

python Programming Glossary: self.kwargs

Gracefully handling “MySQL has gone away”


line 25 in __call__ return self.callable self.args self.kwargs File adp.py line 69 in reports page.sources sql.GetSources File..

Why can't I pickle this object?


below ''' def __init__ self kwargs self.kwargs kwargs self._changed None def _method_name self text return.. if not self._changed self._changed self._method_name self.kwargs.pop 'What Changed' return self._changed def __getattr__ self.. return self._changed def __getattr__ self attr for key in self.kwargs.iterkeys if self._method_name key attr return self.kwargs..

How to fix this python error? RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration


lib threading.py line 736 in run self.function self.args self.kwargs File C Users Public SoundLog Code Código Python SoundLog SoundLog.py..

Suggestions for a Cron like scheduler in Python?


self.dow conv_to_set dow self.action action self.args args self.kwargs kwargs def matchtime self t Return True if this event should.. def check self t if self.matchtime t self.action self.args self.kwargs Note Not thoroughly tested Then your CronTab can be specified..

How do I get 'real-time' information back from a subprocess.Popen in python (2.5)


self .__init__ self.callable callable self.args args self.kwargs kwargs self.setDaemon True def run self try self.callable self.args.. True def run self try self.callable self.args self.kwargs except wx.PyDeadObjectError pass except Exception e print e..