

python Programming Glossary: self.foo

Import Error. Circular References


import name foo EDIT moduleB def Bar def __init__ self self.foo Foo self.val 10 . . moduleA def Foo def __init__ self self.bar.. loads e.g. #ModuleB.py class Bar object def __init__ self self.foo Foo self.val 10 . . # at bottom of file from moduleA import.. class Bar object def __init__ self from moduleA import Foo self.foo Foo self.val 10 As to your question about the __init__.py files...

Python doesn't allocate new space for objects instantiated outside the constructor of a class— expected behavior? [duplicate]


default value vs. class B object def __init__ self foo 5 self.foo foo If you're creating a lot of instances is there any difference..

do properties work on django model fields?


get_foo self if self.bar return self.bar else return self.foo def set_foo self input self.foo input foo property get_foo.. self.bar else return self.foo def set_foo self input self.foo input foo property get_foo set_foo or do I have to do it like..

why defined '__new__' and '__init__' all in a class


cls i ... return self ... def __init__ self i foo ... self.foo foo ... __slots__ 'foo' ... a x 23 'bah' print a 23 print a.foo.. would mind if you lost the __init__ and just moved the self.foo foo to __new__ . But if initialization is rich and complex enough..

Python: Difference between class and instance attributes


default value vs. class B object def __init__ self foo 5 self.foo foo If you're creating a lot of instances is there any difference..

Easiest way to serialize a simple class object with simplejson?


superclass e.g. class ParentClass def __init__ self foo self.foo foo class ChildClass ParentClass def __init__ self foo bar ParentClass.__init__.. like so class ChildClass object def __init__ self self.foo 'foo' self.bar 1.1 self.parent ParentClass 1 That should result..

How does a Python set([]) check if two objects are equal? What methods does an object need to define to customise this?


Python code. class Item object def __init__ self foo bar self.foo foo self.bar bar def __repr__ self return Item s s self.foo.. foo self.bar bar def __repr__ self return Item s s self.foo self.bar def __eq__ self other if isinstance other Item return.. def __eq__ self other if isinstance other Item return self.foo other.foo and self.bar other.bar else return False def __ne__..

jsonify a SQLAlchemy result set in Flask


# ... SQLAlchemy defs here.. def __init__ self ... # self.foo ... pass @property def serialize self Return object data in..

if A vs if A is not None:


Is self.__dict__.update(**kwargs) good or poor style?


less code and I don't need to maintain boilerplate like self.foo kwargs 'foo' . The disadvantage is that it isn't obvious which..