

python Programming Glossary: self.e

this constructor takes no arguments


self.main.title 'Calculator' self.main.config bg 'black' self.e T.Entry self.main justify 'center' self.e.grid row 0 columnspan.. bg 'black' self.e T.Entry self.main justify 'center' self.e.grid row 0 columnspan 5 sticky W E self.e.pack def run self.. justify 'center' self.e.grid row 0 columnspan 5 sticky W E self.e.pack def run self self.main.mainloop Calc T.Tk .run python..

What is the best way to do automatic attribute assignment in Python, and is it a good idea?


self a b c d e f g self.a a self.b b self.c c self.d d self.e e self.f f self.g g I could use this recipe for automatic attribute..

Python Multiple Linear Regression using OLS code with specific data?


self.x_varnm 'const' x_varnm # Estimate model using OLS self.estimate def estimate self # estimating coefficients and basic.. self.df_r self.ncoef 1 # degrees of freedom regression self.e self.y dot self.x self.b # residuals self.sse dot self.e self.e.. self.e self.y dot self.x self.b # residuals self.sse dot self.e self.e self.df_e # SSE self.se sqrt diagonal self.sse self.inv_xx..