python Programming Glossary: photos
Call exiftool from a python script? I'm looking to use exiftool to scan the EXIF tags from my photos and videos. It's a perl executable. What's the best way to inferface..
storing uploaded photos and documents - filesystem vs database blob uploaded photos and documents filesystem vs database blob My specific situation.. Property management web site where users can upload photos and lease documents. For every apartment unit there might be.. lease documents. For every apartment unit there might be 4 photos so there won't be an overwhelming number of photo in the system...
How to detect a Christmas Tree? blue green background which is prevalent in most of the photos. I convert the rgb image to hsv space and require that the hue..
Enforce unique upload file names using django? file names using django What's the best way to rename photos with a unique filename on the server as they are uploaded using..
Python - Launch a Long Running Process from a Web App
Is this possible to draw GtkTreeView listed like GtkIconView? apps you have a central area where you can see all of your photos with tag thumbnails under. In my app I want to implement the.. a grid How would you implement the F spot way of arranging photos and tags under python gtk pygtk gtktreeview share improve..
Encoding problem in app engine when submitting multipart/form-data forms this is the class handling the form # handler for posting photos class PostPhoto blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreUploadHandler def..
Django uploading file not in MEDIA_ROOT path is giving me SuspiciousOperation error the following code will store uploaded files under media photos regardless of what your MEDIA_ROOT setting is from django.db.. FileSystemStorage fs FileSystemStorage location ' media photos' class Car models.Model ... photo models.ImageField storage..
Django admin - How can I add the green plus sign for Many-to-many Field in custom admin form in the admin form disappears for my MultiSelect field photos when I define it in my form. Ie removing the line with the definition.. it in my form. Ie removing the line with the definition photos ... makes the plus sign appear. However in order to use a custom.. I need to figure this out. class GalleryForm ModelForm photos ModelMultipleChoiceField queryset Photo.objects.all label Photos..
How to display an image from web? web and not from my PC like this http photos uncategorized 2007 05 05 planet_x.jpg How can I do that P.S... response urllib2.urlopen 'http photos uncategorized 2007 05 05 planet_x.jpg' loader gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader..
Trouble using PIL in Django app on Windows Django book. All was going well until I tried to build the photos application which requires the PIL Python Imaging Library ... Request Method POST Request URL http localhost 8888 photos admin items photo add Django Version 1.3 beta 1 SVN 15679 Exception..
Implementaion HMAC-SHA1 in python String HTTP Method for example GET Path for example http photos Parameters alphabetically such as line breaks.. for example GET Path for example http photos Parameters alphabetically such as line breaks for readability.. as The Signature Base String ends up as GET http 3A 2F 2Fphotos file 3Dvacation.jpg 26 oauth_consumer_key..