python Programming Glossary: pickled
Dirty fields in django DiffingMixin. You'd store the diff dictionary maybe pickled in a table for the admin to review later and apply if desired..
Overcoming Python's limitations regarding instance methods methods can't be copied. Instance methods can't be pickled. This is problematic for me because I work on a very object..
Can't pickle <type 'instancemethod'> when using python's multiprocessing infrastructure to your program to allow such methods to be pickled registering it with the copy_reg standard library method. For..
Pickled file won't load on Mac/Linux Mac Linux I have an application that imports data from a pickled file. It works just fine in Windows but Mac and Linux behaviour.. in Windows but Mac and Linux behaviour is odd. In OS X the pickled file file extension .char is unavailable as a selection unless.. up just fine. In Linux when I use the file open dialog my pickled files aren't visible whether or not they have a file extension...
Efficiently finding the shortest path in large graphs but it was also a heavy computation and I really wish I'd pickled the result . Here's the code for the curious # usr bin python..
how do i rewrite this function to implement OrderedDict? method which will allow the instances of the class to be pickled and unpickled properly. This wasn't necessary for this question.. will allow the instances of the class to be pickled and unpickled properly. This wasn't necessary for this question but came up..
How do I serialize a Python dictionary into a string, and then back to a dictionary? define __getstate__ to specify precisely how it should be pickled . cPickle.dumps object 'ccopy_reg n_reconstructor np1 n c__builtin__..
How to tell for which object attribute pickle fails? pickle an object that has some attributes which cannot be pickled it will fail with a generic error message like PicklingError..
We need to pickle any sort of callable to facilitate distributed computing through the use of pickled processes. Apparently that functionality has historically been.. the presumption that process and thread objects can not be pickled is there any way to transmit a callable object We would like.. things are lost so they have to be sent separated. pickled_name pickle.dumps your_function.func_name pickled_arguments..
Python multiprocessing: sharing a large read-only object between processes? each with a smaller object. The smaller objects could be pickled Python objects to save a tiny bit of file reading time. Write..
Django SECRET_KEY settings.SECRET_KEY contrib sessions backends 89 pickled_md5 md5_constructor pickled settings.SECRET_KEY .hexdigest contrib.. sessions backends 89 pickled_md5 md5_constructor pickled settings.SECRET_KEY .hexdigest contrib sessions backends contrib sessions backends 95 if md5_constructor pickled settings.SECRET_KEY .hexdigest tamper_check contrib sessions..
Python multiprocessing pickling error improve this question Here is a list of what can be pickled . In particular functions are only picklable if they are defined..