python Programming Glossary: pickle.loads
Is there an easy way to pickle a python function (or otherwise serialize its code)? the network def receive receive obj from the network func pickle.loads s func python function pickle share improve this question..
How to change json encoding behaviour for serializable python object? __getstate__ __setstate__ and then using json.dumps over pickle.loads object I am open to that as well I tried but that did not work...
Can I store a python dictionary in google's BigTable datastore without serializing it explicitly? self value if value is None return dict return pickle.loads value def default_value self if self.default is None return..
Python: How to “perfectly” override a dict # free setdefault __eq__ and so on import pickle assert pickle.loads pickle.dumps s s # works too since we just use a normal dict..
Is there a standalone Python type conversion library? you want. import pickle v pickle.dumps 123 v 'I123 n.' pickle.loads v 123 v pickle.dumps abc 123 v dp0 nS'abc' np1 nI123 ns. pickle.loads..
Client Server programming in python? 2727 # Retrieve and unpickle the list object print pickle.loads client.recv 1024 # Send some messages for x in xrange 10 client.send..
Store a list of dictionaries in GAE
We need to pickle any sort of callable marshal.loads marshaled_bytecode globals pickle.loads pickled_name pickle.loads pickled_arguments pickle.loads pickled_closure.. marshaled_bytecode globals pickle.loads pickled_name pickle.loads pickled_arguments pickle.loads pickled_closure And any references.. pickle.loads pickled_name pickle.loads pickled_arguments pickle.loads pickled_closure And any references to globals inside the function..
How to “stop” and “resume” long time running Python script? To stop the script execution type CTRL C while 1 start pickle.loads REGISTRY if REGISTRY else 0 try main start start except KeyboardInterrupt..
Saving numpy array in mongodb
Python sets are not json serializable def as_python_object dct if '_python_object' in dct return pickle.loads str dct '_python_object' return dct Here is a sample session..