python Programming Glossary: pickle
How can I parse JSON in Google App Engine? numbers and dictionaries you probably want to look at pickle . I hope that helps. Incidentally to get Django 1.0 instead..
Threading in Python You either have to explicitly share it or you have to pickle variables and send them back and forth. This is safer but harder...
Is there an easy way to pickle a python function (or otherwise serialize its code)? there an easy way to pickle a python function or otherwise serialize its code I'm trying.. a pair of functions similar to these def transmit func obj pickle.dumps func send obj across the network def receive receive obj.. the network def receive receive obj from the network func pickle.loads s func python function pickle share improve this question..
Can't pickle <type 'instancemethod'> when using python's multiprocessing pickle type 'instancemethod' when using python's multiprocessing work. The error message it gives is PicklingError Can't pickle type 'instancemethod' attribute lookup __builtin__.instancemethod.. easy way around it python multithreading multiprocessing pickle pool share improve this question The problem is that multiprocessing..
when does Python allocate new memory for identical strings? GA Georgia def nid alist nr distinct ids return d ids d pickle len len set map id alist len cPickle.dumps alist 0 # rough est.. file s N nid joinsplit # 10000 strings in mem 10 ids 42149 pickle len # 10000 strings from a file 10000 ids 188080 pickle len.. pickle len # 10000 strings from a file 10000 ids 188080 pickle len # Python 2.6.4 mac ppc Added 25jan There are two kinds of..
Multiprocessing: using on a function defined in a class line 225 in _handle_tasks put task PicklingError Can't pickle type 'function' attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed.. but it wasn't explicit enough. python multiprocessing pickle share improve this question I also was annoyed by restrictions..
Python: How to “perfectly” override a dict __contains__ # free setdefault __eq__ and so on import pickle assert pickle.loads pickle.dumps s s # works too since we.. # free setdefault __eq__ and so on import pickle assert pickle.loads pickle.dumps s s # works too since we just use a normal.. __eq__ and so on import pickle assert pickle.loads pickle.dumps s s # works too since we just use a normal dict I wouldn't..
How to save an object in Python save share improve this question You could use the pickle module in the standard library. Here's a simple way of applying.. Here's a simple way of applying it to your example import pickle class Company def __init__ self name value name self.value.. 'wb' as output company1 Company 'banana' 40 pickle.dump company1 output pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL company2 Company..
How can I check the memory usage of objects in ipython? as values. Those other objects might be shared. Since pickle always tries to do a complete serialization of the object it..
How to save a Python interactive session? script I get too much stdout noise. I don't really need to pickle all the objects though if there is a solution that does that..
PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'decimal.Decimal'>: it's not the same object as decimal.Decimal pickle share improve this question One oddity of Pickle is that the way you import a class before you pickle one of.. of it's instances can subtly change the pickled object. Pickle requires you to have imported the object identically both before..
How to combine with Array (shared memory) in Python multiprocessing? print count_it a b s d Not sure why map won't Pickle the array but Process and Pool will I think perhaps it has be..
Pickling a staticmethod in Python object which contains references to static class methods. Pickle fails for example on stating it cannot be.. share improve this question This seems to work. class PickleableStaticMethod object def __init__ self fn cls None self.cls.. return self.fn args kwargs def __get__ self obj cls return PickleableStaticMethod self.fn cls def __getstate__ self return self.cls..
Hitting Maximum Recursion Depth Using Python's Pickle / cPickle Maximum Recursion Depth Using Python's Pickle cPickle The background I'm building a trie to represent a dictionary.. Maximum Recursion Depth Using Python's Pickle cPickle The background I'm building a trie to represent a dictionary.. roughly 22 minutes . I have tried both pickle.dump and cPickle.dump with both the text and binary protocols. Each time I get..
Pickle or json? or json I need to save to disk a little dict object which keys.. the data with Python and a binary format is fine go with cPickle which gives you really fast Python object serialization. If..
Pickle Python Serialization Python Serialization In layman's terms what is Serialization..
String to Dictionary in Python element #0 has length 1 2 is required So I tried using Pickle but got this error KeyError ' ' I tried using django.serializers..
Which is the better way to pass data into Python Unittest Redirected STDIN or Pickle? way to pass data into Python Unittest Redirected STDIN or Pickle Short Question What is the best way to get data into a Python..
Python: How to pass arguments to the __code__ of a function? and pasta Why not just send the whole function as a string Pickle def spam eggs print 'spam and' eggs and exec the string after..
Storing python dictionaries dictionary save pickle share improve this question Pickle save import cPickle as pickle with open 'data.p' 'wb' as fp.. pickle share improve this question Pickle save import cPickle as pickle with open 'data.p' 'wb' as fp pickle.dump data fp.. pickle with open 'data.p' 'wb' as fp pickle.dump data fp Pickle load with open 'data.p' 'rb' as fp data pickle.load fp And similarly..
Getting integers from a tuple saved then loaded with pickle integers It can save roughly as I want it I am using Pickle but when I load it I receive my integers in tuple form because..
Simple, hassle-free, zero-boilerplate serialization in Scala/Java similar to Python's Pickle? serialization in Scala Java similar to Python's Pickle Is there a simple hassle free approach to serialization in.. in Scala Java that's similar to Python's pickle Pickle is a dead simple solution that's reasonably efficient in space.. many Point2D authors mark these Serializable . Scala's BytePickle requires a bunch of boilerplate for every type you want to pickle..
How to save big (not huge) dictonaries in Python? important. First I tried savemat but I ran into problems . Pickle resulted in a huge file. I assume the same for csv. I've read..