

python Programming Glossary: phonon

Play mp3 using Python, PyQt, and Phonon


mp3 using Python PyQt and Phonon I been trying all day to figure out the Qt's Phonon library.. and Phonon I been trying all day to figure out the Qt's Phonon library with Python. My long term goal is to see if I could.. question kind of broad because ANY help with understanding Phonon would be greatly appreciated. import sys from PyQt4.QtGui import..

Writing video file and simultaneously playing it


thereby saving bandwidth. I'm using Python 3.3.1 PyQt4 Phonon and LibVLC . So far I'm able to do the following things Given.. download the video file and then play it using both PyQt4 Phonon and LibVLC independently. It is not streaming . Since LibVLC..

python qt, display text/label above another widget(phonon)


acceleration QGraphicsScene scene new QGraphicsScene this Phonon VideoPlayer v new Phonon VideoPlayer v load Phonon MediaSource.. scene new QGraphicsScene this Phonon VideoPlayer v new Phonon VideoPlayer v load Phonon MediaSource video_file QGraphicsProxyWidget.. this Phonon VideoPlayer v new Phonon VideoPlayer v load Phonon MediaSource video_file QGraphicsProxyWidget pvideoWidget scene..

Play mp3 using Python, PyQt, and Phonon


http www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk static Docs PyQt4 html phonon mediasource.html#fileName I'm keeping my question kind of broad.. import QFrame from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL from PyQt4.phonon import Phonon class MainWindow QMainWindow m_model QDirModel.. app.exec_ if __name__ '__main__' main python pyqt media phonon share improve this question Phonon supports different audio..

python qt, display text/label above another widget(phonon)


qt display text label above another widget phonon I'm making a video player using PySide which is a python bind.. which is a python bind to the Qt framework. I'm using phonon a module to display the video and I want to display text above.. video as a subtitle. How can I put another widget above my phonon widget. Is opengl an option python qt pyqt widget pyside ..