

python Programming Glossary: os.path.normpath

How to get/set logical directory path in python


self path if not self._cwd return self._os_chdir path p os.path.normpath os.path.join self._cwd path result self._os_chdir p self._cwd..

Python 3 relative imports:


os.getcwd os.path.expanduser __file__ sys.path.append os.path.normpath os.path.join SCRIPT_DIR PACKAGE_PARENT from mypackage.mymodule..

Correct place to put extra startup code in django?


MEDIA_ROOT THEME_DIR ADMIN_MEDIA_ROOT list TEMPLATE_DIRS p os.path.normpath p if not os.path.exists p print Missing path s p share improve..

Suspicious Operation Django


Attempted access to ' s' denied. name return smart_str os.path.normpath path So the error has to be coming out of safe_join . In django..

Python os.path.join on Windows


path specified 'C src . ' If I wrap the os.path.join with os.path.normpath I get the same error. If this os.path.join can't be used this..

Directory Walker for Python


useful I'd recommend having a look through that especially os.path.normpath Normalises paths gets rid of redundant '.'s and 'theFolderYouWereJustIn..

Ultimate answer to relative python imports


os.path.join os.getcwd __file__ sys.path.append os.path.normpath os.path.join foo_dir '..' '..' from mypackage import bar else..

Apache not serving django admin static files


Example home media media.lawrence.com static PROJECT_ROOT os.path.normpath os.path.dirname __file__ STATIC_ROOT os.path.join PROJECT_ROOT..