

python Programming Glossary: os.read

What conditions result in an opened, nonblocking named pipe (fifo) being “unavailable” for reads?


os.O_NONBLOCK # pipe_path points to a FIFO data os.read new_pipe 1024 The read occasionally raises errno 11 Resource.. from a pipe and returns `None` on EAGAIN ''' try return os.read fd size except OSError exc if exc.errno errno.EAGAIN return..

Call exiftool from a python script?


while not output.endswith self.sentinel output os.read fd 4096 return output len self.sentinel def get_metadata self..

Need little assistance with pexpect module


packages pexpect.py line 1510 in __interact_read return os.read fd 1000 OSError Errno 5 Input output error the code that I have..

Python subprocess readlines() hangs


1 ready _ _ select.select master_fd timeout if ready data os.read master_fd 512 if not data break print got repr data elif proc.poll..

log syntax errors and uncaught exceptions for a python subprocess and print them to the terminal


import sys with open 'log' 'ab' as file def read fd data os.read fd 1024 file.write data file.flush return data pty.spawn sys.executable..

How to open a file on mac OSX 10.8.2 in python


try using import os fd os.open foo.txt os.O_RDONLY print os.read fd 1024 os.close fd And fiddle around with the flags. I honestly..

Python C program subprocess hangs at “for line in iter”


0 if master in fds # subprocess' output is ready data os.read master_fd 512 # doesn't block may return less if not data #.. to our stdout if sys.stdin in fds # got user input data os.read sys.stdin.fileno 512 if not data input_fds.remove sys.stdin..

How to make tkinter repond events while waiting socket data?


Decorate \ delegate a File object to add functionality


self._run for fh in select.select self.pipe 0 0 0 buf os.read fh 1024 while b' n' in buf data buf buf.split b' n' 1 self.write..

Merge and sync stdout and stderr?


self Read from the file descriptor fd self.fileno buf os.read fd 4096 if not buf return None if ' n' not in buf self._buf..

Python: select() doesn't signal all input from pipe


size in an asynchronous app. You should call os.read fd size once on each fd for every pass through select. This.. unambiguously. I modified your code to illustrate using os.read . It also reads from the process' stderr import os import select.. '' def fileno self return self._fd def readlines self data os.read self._fd 4096 if not data # EOF return None self._buf data if..

pipe large amount of data to stdin while using subprocess.Popen


xlist select rlist wlist xlist if proc.stdout in rlist out os.read proc.stdout.fileno 10 print out if not out break if proc.stdin..

Python readline from pipe on Linux


end which can be written to and read form with os.write os.read there is no os.readline . Is it possible to use readline import.. written to and read form with os.write os.read there is no os.readline . Is it possible to use readline import os readEnd writeEnd..