

python Programming Glossary: os.getenv

oauth google using python


hashlib random re base64 PARAMETERS 'oauth_consumer_key' os.getenv 'OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY' or 'anonymous' 'oauth_signature_method'.. 'HMAC SHA1' 'oauth_signature' '' 'oauth_timestamp' os.getenv 'OAUTH_TIMESTAMP' or ' d' time.time 'oauth_nonce' os.getenv.. 'OAUTH_TIMESTAMP' or ' d' time.time 'oauth_nonce' os.getenv 'OAUTH_NONCE' or ' x' random.getrandbits 64 'oauth_version'..

Python memory usage? loading large dictionaries in memory


per process global cached_terms dumpfile os.path.join os.getenv MY_PATH 'datafiles' 'baseterms.txt' f open dumpfile cache csv.reader.. anydbm i 0 mark 0 starttime time.time dbfile os.path.join os.getenv MY_PATH 'datafiles' 'baseterms' db anydbm.open dbfile 'c' #load.. #load from existing baseterm file termfile os.path.join os.getenv MY_PATH 'datafiles' 'baseterms.txt.LARGE' for line in open termfile..

How to generate SSH key pairs with Python


'ssh rsa s s@ s' b64key username hostname with open os.getenv 'HOME' ' .ssh id_rsa.pub' as keyfile keyfile.write keystring..

Return a list of imported Python modules used in a script?


As an example in a script which merely has import os print os.getenv 'USERNAME' The modules returned from the ModuleFinder script..

Python Application does nothing


#Acquires user information if os.name nt Home.ComputerName os.getenv COMPUTERNAME Home.Username os.getenv USERNAME Home.Homedir os.getenv.. nt Home.ComputerName os.getenv COMPUTERNAME Home.Username os.getenv USERNAME Home.Homedir os.getenv HOMEPATH else Home.ComputerName.. COMPUTERNAME Home.Username os.getenv USERNAME Home.Homedir os.getenv HOMEPATH else Home.ComputerName os.getenv Home.Username os.getenv..

How to get the home directory in Python?


on user. Currently I've been using the following on Linux os.getenv HOME However this does not work on Windows. What is the correct..

Python ENVIRONMENT variables


a `KeyError` print os.environ.get 'KEY_THAT_MIGHT_EXIST' # os.getenv is equivalent and can also give a default value instead of None.. and can also give a default value instead of None print os.getenv 'KEY_THAT_MIGHT_EXIST' default_value Python default installation..

Python Fabric run command returns “binascii.Error: Incorrect padding”


it. import os from fabric.api import run env local cd WORK os.getenv 'HOME' ' Work myproject ' env.user 'ubuntu' env.hosts ''..

python subprocess Popen environment PATH?


use # relative paths for subprocess spawning import os if os.getenv 'PYTHONPATH' is not None and os.getenv 'PATH' is not none os.environ.. import os if os.getenv 'PYTHONPATH' is not None and os.getenv 'PATH' is not none os.environ 'PATH' ' '.join os.getenv 'PATH'.. os.getenv 'PATH' is not none os.environ 'PATH' ' '.join os.getenv 'PATH' os.getenv 'PYTHONPATH' and verified that when starting..