python Programming Glossary: originalbalance
Using bisection search to determine to pay off debt in one year exactly. Here's some code originalBalance 320000 annualInterestRate 0.2 monthly_interest annualInterestRate.. 0.2 monthly_interest annualInterestRate 12 low originalBalance 12 high originalBalance 1 monthly_interest 12 12 epsilon 0.01.. annualInterestRate 12 low originalBalance 12 high originalBalance 1 monthly_interest 12 12 epsilon 0.01 min_payment high low 2.0..
Bisection search [duplicate] to pay off debt in one year exactly. Here's some code originalBalance 320000 annualInterestRate 0.2 monthly_interest annualInterestRate.. 0.2 monthly_interest annualInterestRate 12 low originalBalance 12 high originalBalance 1 monthly_interest 12 12 epsilon 0.01.. annualInterestRate 12 low originalBalance 12 high originalBalance 1 monthly_interest 12 12 epsilon 0.01 min_payment high low 2.0..