python Programming Glossary: os.path.islink
Check if file is symlink in python To determine if a directory entry is a symlink use this os.path.islink path Return True if path refers to a directory entry that is.. 07 10 05 11 initrd.img boot initrd.img 2.. import os.path os.path.islink 'initrd.img' True os.path.islink 'bin' False share improve..
os.path.islink on windows with python on windows with python On Windows 7 with Python 2.7 how can.. I detect if a path is a symbolic link This does not work os.path.islink it says it returns false if false or not supported and the path..
Check if symbolic link on Samba share with python on a Samba share are real files or symbolic links I tried os.path.islink but it returns false as the documentation states Always False..
IronPython: EXE compiled using cannot import module “os” file if os.path.isdir fullname and not os.path.islink fullname and fullname 4 '.svn' self.stack.append fullname ..
Directory Walker for Python file if os.path.isdir fullname and not os.path.islink fullname self.stack.append fullname return fullname for file..