php Programming Glossary: transforms
What is the right way to handle $_POST data in MVC? and the Model handle the _POST data. b The Controller transforms the _POST data into variables and pass them to Model . c The.. into variables and pass them to Model . c The Controller transforms _POST data into a Model 's domain object and only pass the object.. and even the specific request method. The Controller transforms _POST data into a Model's object and only pass the object to..
Storing datetime as UTC in PHP/MySQL returned from MySQL is not formated as 'UTC' so strtotime transforms it into a local time if not carefull. I'm courious to hear if..
reading docx (Office Open XML) in PHP so far for PHP. You input the word file location it transforms it into something simple with the attributes and all that good..
CodeIgniter: Try Catch is not working in model class entire CI application. Register a custom errorhandler that transforms PHP errors into exceptions for instance put this in top of your..
How do I extract image from a pdf file using php data from the PDF file without performing any additional transforms. Any rotation clipping color inversion etc. done by the PDF..
making an array from database [closed] string php 5.3 share improve this question implode transforms an array into a string of values separated by the char you choose..
Is it possible to protect from downloading a video from a site that requested it the player receives the data the player transforms the data into a sequence of images a.k.a. a video and a sound.. display subsystem or saves it to disk the display system transforms the images into a format the screen understands the images flow..
HipHop PHP (was Hyper PHP by Facebook) it is a source code transformer. HipHop programmatically transforms your PHP source code into highly optimized C and then uses g..
What is the best way to serialize SVG from the client DOM? to be as simple as possible without a lot of nested transforms . Is there any framework that already supports this I'm currently..
“Web interface” to PHPUnit tests? and then convert the output with PHPUnitReport This task transforms PHPUnit xml reports to HTML using XSLT. Example phpunitreport..
PHP/Gettext Problems on gettext. PhpWiki had a custom awk conversion script. It transforms .po files into .php array scripts yeah very oldschool and just..
Creation of edge detection based image in PHP operator is in some respects similar to edge detection transforms used by Computer Vision. Basically it tries to convert the major..
Is there a point to minifying PHP? APC . Facebook introduced a compiler named HipHop that transforms PHP source into C code. Rasmus Lerdorf one of the big PHP guys..
How can I extract images from a PDF file? [closed] data from the PDF file without performing any additional transforms. Any rotation clipping color inversion etc. done by the PDF..
Problem with AES-256 between Java and PHP of the arbitrary binary data produced by cryptographic transforms output cipher.doFinal Base64.decodeBase64 input return new String..
Automatic clean and SEO friendly URL (slugs) âèêëçî removes punctuation and bad characters #@ ~^ and transforms spaces in dashes. Questions What do you think about this function..
Is it possible to wrap PHP/MySQL application in binary that can work as stand alone application? transformer for PHP script code. HipHop programmatically transforms PHP source code into highly optimized C and then uses g to compile..