php Programming Glossary: transformation
Check the language of string based on glyphs in PHP so in theory I could send every result through the transformation but that seems like a waste of processing. Thanks Edit I still.. work fine in the end. It puts every title through the transformation regardless of language but only outputs the parenthetical transliteration..
Can I use private instance methods as callbacks? callbacks My particular scenario involves doing some text transformation using regular expressions within a private method. The private..
Add HTML Codes to XML file using PHP to my xml... is there anyway i can fix this and avoid the transformation of these codes thats my php code php if isset _POST 'submitted'..
PhpMyAdmin error with config file Documentation Displaying Column Comments Disabled Browser transformation Disabled cfg 'Servers' i 'bookmarktable' ... not OK Documentation..
PHP Built-in Method to Get Array Values Given a List of Keys arrValues I am so sick of writing this kind of tedious transformation that I have to find a built in method to do this. Any ideas..
Replace newlines with BR tags, but only inside PRE tags what is a good preg_replace expression for making this transformation replace newlines with br but only within pre blocks Feel free..
How to Transform XML with XSLT using PHP in Wordpress nothing would show up. So my goal is to do the XML XSLT transformation to XHTML on the server not the client preferably using PHP...
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? tables and flow analysis to do good program analysis or transformation. ASTs are necessary but not sufficient. This is the reason that..
Do you use Phing? [closed] Federico Cargnelutti's blog post Features include file transformations e.g. token replacement XSLT transformation Smarty template.. include file transformations e.g. token replacement XSLT transformation Smarty template transformations file system operations interactive.. e.g. token replacement XSLT transformation Smarty template transformations file system operations interactive build support SQL execution..
Add, update and edit an XML file with PHP Here's the PHP to run the XML database through and XSLT transformation to create the HTML for your web display table or whatever you..
XML Outputting - PHP vs JS vs Anything Else? load test.xml load your file You can even try this transformation in your browser without any PHP adding this xml stylesheet type..
PHP: How do I remove nested tags, and relocate them in an un-nested way? tags didn't match. I simply looped the entire chain of tag transformation regexes until the output stopped changing. It was simple and..