php Programming Glossary: transaction
Verify receipt for in App purchase for the readership BOOL verifyReceipt SKPaymentTransaction transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes.. transaction NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length.. NSString jsonObjectString self encode uint8_t transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length transaction.transactionReceipt.length NSString..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed]
php/symfony/doctrine memory leak? database. In case anything goes wrong I'm using a doctrine transaction to roll back everything. The problem is that I can only create..
Array as session variable checkboxes. On submitting this form it will lead to a transaction page page 3 where values of posted checkboxes are kept in a..
Escaping single quote in PHP when inserting into MySQL above sends an email and then logs the details of the transaction The problem is that it a appears that a single quote is triggering..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples MySQL transactions examples I really haven't found normal example of PHP file.. haven't found normal example of PHP file where MySQL transactions are being used. Can you show me simple example of that And.. I've already done a lot of programming and didn't use transactions. Can I put a PHP function or something in header.php that if..
What are the disadvantages of using persistent connection in PDO tables itself. If the dead script was in the middle of a transaction that can block a multitude of tables until the deadlock timer.. the problem. If the dead script was in the middle of a transaction the next script that gets that connection also gets the transaction.. the next script that gets that connection also gets the transaction state. It's very possible depending on your application design..
MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?) multiple tables in one MySQL command. You can however use transactions. BEGIN INSERT INTO users username password VALUES 'test' 'test'.. to be consistent you need to wrap all statements in a transaction. That's why I used the BEGIN and COMMIT here. Comment again..
Transactions and PHP and PHP I have been trying to make such functionality that.. to tables in one SQL query. Rough idea php sql Begin Transaction insert into ............. insert into ........... End Transaction.. insert into ............. insert into ........... End Transaction mysql_query sql SOLUTION THAT I FOUND mysql_select_db database_dany..
Generate and email excel file as an attachment - Error message: unable to read file 0 worksheet workbook addWorksheet worksheet write 0 0 TransactionID format_bold worksheet write 0 1 Date format_bold worksheet.. worksheet write 0 2 Type format_bold worksheet write 0 3 Transaction Details format_bold worksheet write 0 4 Currency format_bold.. xlsname die email_from email_subject Transactions's History headers 'MIME Version 1.0' . r n headers. 'Content..
Mysql transactions within transactions executing the statement. And a bit farther in the page Transaction control and locking statements. BEGIN LOCK TABLES SET autocommit.. 1 START TRANSACTION UNLOCK TABLES . See also this paragrah Transactions cannot be nested. This is a consequence of the implicit commit..
CodeIgniter: Try Catch is not working in model class Messages I get from framework DEBUG 2013 04 07 05 00 38 DB Transaction Failure ERROR 2013 04 07 05 00 38 Query error Duplicate entry..
PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox as order remarks oremarks ## curtime## n . PayPal Transaction Information... n . Txn Id . ppInfo txn_id . n . Txn Type . ppInfo..
Using the Data Mapper Pattern, Should the Entities (Domain Objects) know about the Mapper? an inefficient thing to do . Of course a Controller or Transaction Script could check for duplicates before adding the message.. actually proxying a Mapper call Again the Controller or Transaction Script or whatever is using the Entity could use the Mapper..
How to send money to paypal using php A47 92w 13 chars max available in 'My Account Overview Transaction details' when the transaction is made 'note' payoff of what..
multi model forms in yii values Do Person save and Vehicle save separately OR use Transaction module to save both or save none on error http
how to parse contents from a html file using CURL? [closed] colspan 2 nbsp td tr tr td width 30 class Mellemrubrikker Transaction Number td td width 70 24752734576547IN td tr tr td width 30..
How to use special characters in recipients name when using PHP's mail function ' recipient address '¥µ áâãäåæçèéêëìÃîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ ' Transaction aborted no recipients specified If possible I would like to..
need help implementing facebook credits try again. When I close the dialog there is a message Transaction failed Error message returned from Facebook The entity class..
How do I verify Android in-app-billing transactions on MY server? the client app. E.g. User buys item X from Android Market. Transaction data Y is sent to the client. Client sends Y to my server. Client..
How to implement MVC style on my PHP/SQL/HTML/CSS code? and Conquer your application code Divide your code into Transaction Scripts . They are often easy to create from existing spaghetti.. it's invoked. E.g. some routine that invokes any of the Transaction Scripts . This might not be necessary if you request PHP files..
Transactions and PHP http doc refman 5.5 en commit.html START TRANSACTION SELECT @A SUM salary FROM table1 WHERE type 1 UPDATE table2..
Preparing SQL Statements with PDO Connect to SQLite DB DB ' path to sqlite.db' DB 'BEGIN TRANSACTION ' These loops are just examples. for i 1 i 10000 i for j 1 j.. INTO test id name VALUES ' i 'Testing ' . j DB 'END TRANSACTION ' And here is the DB function function DB query static db null.. this could speed up considerably the execution DB 'BEGIN TRANSACTION ' for i 1 i 10000 i queries array for j 1 j 100 j queries 'INSERT..
How does Zend\Db in ZF2 control transactions? better option. Don't forget that you can just issue BEGIN TRANSACTION ROLLBACK COMMIT SET autocommit ... SQL statements yourself...
Mysql transactions within transactions SET autocommit 1 if the value is not already 1 START TRANSACTION UNLOCK TABLES . See also this paragrah Transactions cannot be.. for any current transaction when you issue a START TRANSACTION statement or one of its synonyms. Hope this helps share improve..
How do I group by month and year when only having a datetime field? a bunch of transaction info with a datetime field TRANSACTION transactionid amount when I need to generate a monthly total..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples is it right mysql_query SET AUTOCOMMIT 0 mysql_query START TRANSACTION a1 mysql_query INSERT INTO rarara l_id VALUES '1' a2 mysql_query..
how to get last inserted Id of a Sqlite database using Zend_Db an SQLite3 Database with a table 'b' as follows BEGIN TRANSACTION CREATE TABLE b a integer primary key autoincrement b varchar..