php Programming Glossary: tc
Memcache : Confusions go fish to the next server on failure NOT_FOUND timeout tc. There may be some network latency but a lot less then interacting..
imagecreatefrompng error 150 30 bgc imagecolorallocate im 255 255 255 tc imagecolorallocate im 0 0 0 imagefilledrectangle im 0 0 150.. message imagestring im 1 5 5 'Error loading ' . imgname tc return im header 'Content Type image png' img LoadPNG 'http..
TripleDES in Perl/PHP/ColdFusion theKey DESEDE Base64 resulting string strEncodedEnc tc Jb7E9w HpU2Yvn5dA7ILGmyNTQM0h As you can see this was not returning.. the string we were hoping for. Seeking a solution we ditched ColdFusion for this process and attempted to reproduce the..
SimpleXML Reading node with a hyphenated name v9.xsd office document meta xmlns office urn oasis names tc opendocument xmlns office 1.0 xmlns xlink http 1999.. http dc elements 1.1 xmlns meta urn oasis names tc opendocument xmlns meta 1.0 xmlns ooo http 2004.. various elements below it dc creator meta creation date etc. The following code xml simplexml_load_string gFileData namespacesMeta..
Simplest way to detect a mobile device Code php useragent _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' if preg_match ' android bb d meego . mobile avantgo bada blackberry blazer.. wap windows ce phone xda xiino i' useragent preg_match ' 1207 6310 6590 3gso 4thp 50 1 6 i 770s 802s a wa abac ac.. 12 d el 49 ai em l2 ul er ic k0 esl8 ez 4 7 0 os wa ze fetc fly _ g1 u g560 gene gf 5 g mo go .w od gr ad un haie hcit hd..
What does this PHP code do? [closed] ob_starting if ob_starting function ob_start_flush s tc array 0 69 84 82 67 83 7 79 8 9 73 12 76 68 63 78 19 23 24 3.. 5 4 3 10 26 2 58 ob_htm '' foreach tr as tval ob_htm . chr tc tval 32 slw strtolower s i strpos slw ' script' if i i strpos.. obfuscated ... and yes it's definitely not good. It uses tc as a dictionary and tr as a reference and injects whatever content..
Handle XML Catalogs by php I O warning failed to load external entity urn oasis names tc dita xsd highlightDomain.xsd 1.2 It's in the catalog.xml how.. be able to use Catalog files when they are placed in etc xml catalog . Same path on windows IIRC. Feel free to upvote..
AESCrypt decryption between iOS and PHP have zero iPhone development experience. Short answer what tc. said. Something is horribly wrong with the AES256EncryptWithKey.. using AES 128 but with the 32 byte key. Say wha Converting tc.'s Python to PHP base64encoded_ciphertext '7opqbb7sEVNoXplyQv.. padded_key base64_decode base64encoded_ciphertext 'ecb' Yetch result ends up being padded with 0x0b's vertical tab . var_dump..
PHP GD Library output an image and text content on same page 150 30 bgc imagecolorallocate im 255 255 255 tc imagecolorallocate im 0 0 0 imagefilledrectangle im 0 0 150.. message imagestring im 1 5 5 'Error loading ' . imgname tc return im header 'Content Type image jpeg' img LoadJpeg 'images.. 150 30 bgc imagecolorallocate im 255 255 255 tc imagecolorallocate im 0 0 0 imagefilledrectangle im 0 0 150..