php Programming Glossary: taste
Count specific values in multidimensional array fruit array oranges array name Orange color orange taste sweet healthy yes apples array name Apple color green.. healthy yes apples array name Apple color green taste sweet healthy yes bananas array name Banana color yellow.. yes bananas array name Banana color yellow taste sweet healthy yes grapes array name Grape color green..
Avoiding recursion with Doctrine entities and JMSserializer before sending them to JMSSerializerBundle at your taste. For example in some related entities i want the ID while in..
array_splice() for associative arrays arrays Say I have an associative array color red taste sweet season summer and I want to introduce a new element into.. the 2nd item but preserving all the array keys color red taste sweet texture bumpy season summer is there a function to do..
Checking for empty arrays: count vs empty I should use count 0 instead or just a matter of personal taste As pointed out by others in comments for a now deleted answer..
Is it reasonable to have a fair amount of public properties in a class? about array vs. single getter per var it's a matter of taste. I tend to only keep variables of a similar type within an array..
Short unique id in php dictionnary to avoid things a customer would find of bad taste. EDIT I would also add this only make sense if as you intend..
Scalable, Delayed PHP Processing the performance wouldn't be to bad. This idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I was wondering if anyone had a better idea..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? basic features inherently INsecure or too bloated for my taste. Actually I did a detailed roundup of all the authentication..
Instantiate a class with or without parentheses? [duplicate] that have parameters. But in the end it's down to taste. It doesn't matter which way you choose but when you choose..
Converting string to MySQL timestamp format in php something like insertSQL sprintf INSERT INTO app_DuckTag taste VALUES s WHERE species s AND timestamp s GetSQLValueString.. WHERE species s AND timestamp s GetSQLValueString _POST 'taste' text GetSQLValueString _POST 'species' text GetSQLValueString..
Torn Between learning PHP [insert framework here] and Ruby on Rails [closed] point I believe. Rails almost has too much 'magic' for my taste PHP insert Framework here Pros It's been around forever. So..
How to implement MVC style on my PHP/SQL/HTML/CSS code? type of code as well and we develop our own preferred taste over time. As a kid we're feed but over time we start to cook..
PHP SOAP HTTP Request a PHP developer for a while I'm just now getting my first taste of web services. I was hoping to get a little help as the book..
MySQL date or PHP time? mytimestamp_field time 2 24 3600 It's probably a matter of taste but I personally find this faster and easier than having to..