

php Programming Glossary: skip_dots

How does RecursiveIteratorIterator work in PHP?


RecursiveDirectoryIterator path RecursiveDirectoryIterator SKIP_DOTS files new RecursiveIteratorIterator dir RecursiveIteratorIterator.. RecursiveDirectoryIterator path RecursiveDirectoryIterator SKIP_DOTS lines new RecursiveTreeIterator dir unicodeTreePrefix lines..

PHP get path to every file in folder/subfolder into array? [duplicate]


so the one you're looking for. Also I explicitly add the SKIP_DOTS flag which prevents traversing . and .. technically not really.. RecursiveDirectoryIterator rootpath FilesystemIterator SKIP_DOTS FilesystemIterator UNIX_PATHS RecursiveIteratorIterator LEAVES_ONLY..

PHP - Deleting Directory Contents & SubDirectory Contents


di new RecursiveDirectoryIterator dir FilesystemIterator SKIP_DOTS ri new RecursiveIteratorIterator di RecursiveIteratorIterator..

Making a large processing job smaller


RecursiveDirectoryIterator path RecursiveDirectoryIterator SKIP_DOTS iterator iterator new RecursiveIteratorIterator dir RecursiveIteratorIterator..

Caching readdir()


new FilesystemIterator path FilesystemIterator SKIP_DOTS info time filemtime path cache set key info MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED.. new FilesystemIterator path FilesystemIterator SKIP_DOTS info time filemtime path cache set key info MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED..

A recursive remove directory function for PHP?


new RecursiveDirectoryIterator dirPath FilesystemIterator SKIP_DOTS RecursiveIteratorIterator CHILD_FIRST as path path isFile unlink..

How to list files and folder in a dir (PHP) [duplicate]


'. system information' FilesystemIterator SKIP_DOTS Flatten the recursive iterator folders come before their files..