php Programming Glossary: sizes
LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to code it in PHP? not transpose We create new matrices U' Sigma' V' with sizes w x ii ii x ii and ii x d. That's the essence of the LSA algorithm...
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? of both the encryption key and initialisation vector their sizes can be found via mcrypt_get_key_size and mcrypt_get_iv_size..
Foursquare API for venue user image error I have investigated that Foursquare creates thumbnails of sizes 30 x 30 and 110 x 110 etc. I formed the image path like this..
MAX_FILE_SIZE in PHP - what's the point? I suppose it does give you more granular control over max sizes on upload as the poster above stated rather than going with..
best practice for developing webpage for mobile phone use images as part of the design limit your usage of fixed sizes margins. Emulators aren't as effective for testing as the actual..
What's the difference between echo, print, and print_r in PHP? strings are not quoted type information is omitted array sizes aren't given etc. var_dump is usually more useful than print_r..
php source code whitespace in Javascript and how whitespaces contribute to JS file sizes but does that concept not apply to PHP scripts does whitespace.. apply to PHP scripts does whitespace make php scripts file sizes larger can we minify php scripts or is there no point in doing..
How do I add exif data to an image? uploaded from various sources. In order to keep the file sizes down we strip all exif data from the source using mogrify mogrify..
Saving images in database mysql if the number of images is expected to grow and different sizes of one image are expected to be created e.g. thumbnail images..
How can I integrate Facebook photo album into website? [duplicate]
Mobile browser detection? be classified as 'mobile' since they have bigger screen sizes. If you want to catch Tablets as well you can use this isMobile..
isset() vs strlen() - a fast/clear string length calculation about 6 times faster. I have tried with strings of various sizes and running a varying amount of iterations the ratios remain.. the total running length by the way for strings of varying sizes because both isset and strlen are O 1 which makes sense isset..
Best practices for optimizing LAMP sites for speed? [closed] you do to improve speed One thing I can think of is image sizes can compression here help optimize anything A There have to..
PHP GD Use one image to mask another image, including transparency imagepng source function imagealphamask picture mask Get sizes and set up new picture xSize imagesx picture ySize imagesy picture..
RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error of pcre.recursion_limit for a variety of executable stack sizes Stacksize pcre.recursion_limit 64 MB 134217 32 MB 67108 16 MB..
uploading a file in chunks using html5 .files 0 const BYTES_PER_CHUNK 1048576 1MB chunk sizes. const SIZE blob.size var start 0 var end BYTES_PER_CHUNK..
Magento programmatically add product image need to be aware of in the future. Add three image sizes to media gallery mediaArray array 'thumbnail' putPathHere 'small_image'..
overriding upload_max_filesize the upload is complete so PHP needs to know the maximum sizes beforehand. Set them in php.ini your virtual host config or..