

php Programming Glossary: skip

How foreach actually works


obviously won't work nicely with everything else and will skip array elements in that case . Implications for code The first.. is that foreach will run some additional code to skip properties that are not visible from the current scope. A few.. output 1 4 Now the loop went directly to the new element skipping everything else. The reason is that the FYFY key collides..

How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL?


not need to overwrite existing records it ™s fine just to skip them. Method 2 using INSERT IGNORE Also very simple INSERT IGNORE.. is already present in the database it will be silently skipped ignored . To be more precise here ™s a quote from MySQL reference..

how to remove warning messages in php?


can control visibility of errors with error_reporting . To skip warning messages you could use something like error_reporting..

Cross Domain Single Selective Sign In


tokens and replay protection your client sites just get to skip the initial discovery part of OpenID and always redirect users.. login.mysite.com provider. And login.mysite.com gets to skip the step of do I trust mysite blog.com because it's a special..

PHP PDO bindValue in LIMIT


FROM pictures WHERE album albumId ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT skip max fetchPictures bindValue ' albumId' _GET 'albumid' PDO PARAM_INT.. ' albumId' _GET 'albumid' PDO PARAM_INT if isset _GET 'skip' fetchPictures bindValue ' skip' trim _GET 'skip' PDO PARAM_INT.. PARAM_INT if isset _GET 'skip' fetchPictures bindValue ' skip' trim _GET 'skip' PDO PARAM_INT else fetchPictures bindValue..

How to find the dates between two specified date?


'd m Y' current The 10 00 part is to prevent the code to skip or repeat a day due to daylight saving time. By giving the number..

Does reflection breaks the idea of private methods, because private methods can be access outside of the class?


details. The desktop CLR supports a mode called restricted skip visibility in which the rules for how reflection and the security..

Calculate business days


returns the no. of business days between two dates and it skips the holidays function getWorkingDays startDate endDate holidays.. a Saturday or earlier and the end date was Mon..Fri so we skip an entire weekend and subtract 2 days no_remaining_days 2 The..

How to skip invalid characters in XML file using PHP


to skip invalid characters in XML file using PHP I'm trying to parse..

Material to learn PHP [closed]


will teach you how HTTP requests work which you can skip to save time because you know ASP.NET share improve this answer..

How To Remove All DtDdWrappers and Labels on Zend Form Elements


if is_array decorator decorator 0 'HtmlTag' continue skip copying this value to the decorator this elementDecoratorsNoTag..

Why would one omit the close tag?


offers good reasons. Is there another good reason to skip the ending php tag php share improve this question While..

PHP - Multiple uasort functions breaks sorting


topic on sorting multidimensional arrays. You can safely skip reading the rest of this answer and directly follow the link..

Parse XML with Namespace using SimpleXML


event ... The method ax described works too. You can skip the registerXPathNamespace if you know the xml file will always..

What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game


the high score matches the SHA1 of the high score if you skip this step decryption will simply produce random likely very..

Getting nested set model into a <ul> but hiding “closed” subtrees


need to appear closed so the iterator should be able to skip children of non selected nodes. Doing so lead me to an idea.. if hasChildren if isSelected echo ' ul ' else sequence skipChildren else echo ' li ' echo ' ul ' This can be solved as..

Why is this xmlreader code not working?


xmlR new XMLReader xmlR open 'dbpedia links xml.xml' Skip until ExternalPage node while xmlR read xmlR name 'ExternalPage'..

PHPExcel Sumif and Skip


Sumif and Skip I just want to ask if there's a function in excel phpexcel..

How can I read PNG Metadata from PHP?


array 'offset' ftell this _fp 'size' chunk 'size' Skip to next chunk over body and CRC fseek this _fp chunk 'size'..

The image cannot be displayed because it contains errors


with php followed by the code for displaying the image. Skip the html tags. Do not even write a single blankline before header..

How do I programatically restart a system service(not apache) from apache in linux?


apache cgi restart share improve this question Like Skip said but don't run the CGI as root. Instead have the CGI call..

Using Zend Framework for highload projects


faster and can also be done without configuration files. Skip using the ViewRenderer plugin. Without the ViewRenderer you..

How can I convert a docx document to html using php?


Close archive file zip close Load XML from a string Skip errors and warnings xml DOMDocument loadXML data LIBXML_NOENT..

php sentence boundaries detection


positive lookbehind. # Begin negative lookbehind. Mr . # Skip either Mr. Mrs . # or Mrs. Ms . # or Ms. Jr . # or Jr. Dr ...

Extract text from doc and docx


index Close archive file zip close Load XML from a string Skip errors and warnings xml DOMDocument loadXML data LIBXML_NOENT..

PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding


'iso 8859 1' Internal encoding mb_http_output 'pass' Skip function convert_encoding text from_code '' to_code '' if empty..