

php Programming Glossary: sized

PHP: Best way to iterate two parallel arrays?


other answer there are several ways to iterate two same sized arrays simultaneously however all of the methods have a rather..

Computing the Factoradic Rank of a Permutation (N choose K)


and this MSDN article I know neither of them contemplate k sized subsets but I'm completely in the dark what such logic would..

How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL


it could be your logo website but you ™ll choose a small sized image because this image must not be cached . Idea 1 Add those..

PDO binding values for MySQL IN statement


an in condition The answer there was that for a variable sized list in the in clause you'll need to construct the query yourself...

Creating a file progress bar in PHP


the size to the AJAX and then a progress bar would be sized and maybe display the uploaded size to the user. Thoughts php..

Reading very large files in PHP


fopen is failing when I try to read in a very moderately sized file in PHP. A 6 meg file makes it choke though smaller files..

PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them?


be seen. Should be more terse and not derail into a book sized tutorial for the manual eschewers. When adding a new answer..

How do I detect Mobile Safari server side using PHP?


so then I can serve a a specific css file and b different sized image thumbnails. php iphone optimization mobile safari share..

JPG File Size Optimization - PHP, ImageMagick, & Google's Page Speed


Google's Page Speed tool and it revealed that the re sized images and thumbnails both have about an extra 10KB of data..

Base conversion of arbitrary sized numbers (PHP)


conversion of arbitrary sized numbers PHP I have a long binary string like the output of..

Automatic face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images


solutions for the same At my work place passport sized photographs are scanned together then cut up into individual..

Recommendation? for our specific HTML -> PDF project


We want the user to be able to print the single letter sized page and have the content line up perfectly as it does in the..

XML Outputting - PHP vs JS vs Anything Else?


into consideration. The website is going to be a large sized heavy traffic site expedia lastminute size My skillset is PHP..

Newbie having issues with uploading a file using ASIHTTPRequest


share improve this question I faced similar problem i re sized the image using UIImage im info objectForKey @ UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage..

How should a model be structured in MVC?


than one table. Example in large systems think a medium sized social network it might be pragmatic to store user authentication..

php array size limit


of a modified file when I run the script on a small sized file i.e. each line comprises 4 values it will work. When I..

What is the overhead of using PHP int?


address boundaries and that means that a single byte sized member of a struct will take up four bytes or eight bytes of..

ASP.Net MVC or Zend Framework. What is your opinion


PHP and I still love it. The project should be a medium sized project maintained by 1 or 2 developers with a potential to..

PHP: Limiting Parallel/Simultaneous Downloads - How to know if download was cancelled?


a script that controls download speeds by sending limited sized packets when a user requests a download from this site. I want..

Resizing the image in php for viewing purposes only


try to explain it as clearly as I can. Say I have an image sized 800x600. The box I've allotted for the image is 150x150 and.. 'image name' 'quality int ' resizeObj saveImage 'sample resized.jpg' 100 And this is that class php Class resize Class variables.. private image private width private height private imageResized function __construct fileName Open up the file this image..