php Programming Glossary: robust
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? evaluate expressions from untrusted sources. It provides robust error checking and only evaluates a limited set of functions...
mysqli or die, does it have to die? previous attempt. Errors have to be logged into most robust medium a plain text log. So just set up your PHP to write error..
Formulas to Calculate Geo Proximity with infinite precision. The Haversine formula is more robust to floating point errors. However today's machines have double..
How to pass variables as stdin into command line from PHP really my goals are simple enough I'd rather avoid using robust functions I don't need. Ideally my code would look something..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] are using XMLReader for parsing broken HTML might be less robust than using DOM where you can explicitly tell it to use libxml's..
HTML Scraping in Php [duplicate] fragile. Has anyone used any packages that provide a more robust solution A config driven solution would be ideal but I'm not..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? be translated. It takes a lot of energy to build a working robust translator even with good tools. While it seems sexy and cool..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? are using XMLReader for parsing broken HTML might be less robust than using DOM where you can explicitly tell it to use libxml's..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] are using XMLReader for parsing broken HTML might be less robust than using DOM where you can explicitly tell it to use libxml's..
HTTP Headers for File Downloads Update I followed this guide here to build a more robust process for file downloads http w blog 2007 08 12..
Going where PHP parse_url() doesn't - Parsing only the domain . It's more painful at first but easier and more robust on the long term. You need to make sure you understand the pros..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords in your arsenal. Another reason that you want a good robust hash on a user accounts is to give you enough time to change..
Highlight keywords in a paragraph question If it contains html note that this is a pretty robust solution string ' p foo b bar b p ' keyword 'foo' dom new DomDocument..
MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems are in agreeance that this method is a viable stable and robust long term option to store moderately large files 1kb to couple..
Resize iframe height according to content height in it parseInt newHeight 10 10 'px' Et voila you have a robust resizer that triggers once the page is fully rendered with no..
unit testing and Static methods is that no database is involved making the test quick and robust meaning it won't fail for reasons unrelated to the test like..
How to extract text from the PDF document? and Mission New York Live Arts strives to create a robust framework in support of the nation's dance and movement based..
How can one use multi threading in PHP applications http phpeverywhere q node view 254 Not very robust in my opinion but it should afford you a bit of multitasking...
Ignore html tags in preg_replace like the one you describe which are not always easily and robust to solve with regular expressions. The general saying is Don't..
Where do I start with Zend Framework? [closed] when you're at the point where you need to develop robust applications and need a whole suite of libraries to accompany..