php Programming Glossary: recurse
Echo menu tree with recursive function share improve this question How about function recurse categories parent null level 0 ret ' ul ' foreach categories.. Tier' . level . ' ' . category 'name' . ' p a ' ret . this recurse categories category 'id' level 1 ret . ' li ' return ret ... from database into an multi dimensional array Tree this recurse categories echo Tree You may consider doing the following to..
Regex to match top level delimiters in a multi dimensional string each top level parent delimited by braces so that I can recurse through the matches building up a multidimensional php array..
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> currNode 'title' . ' li ' Anything left if empty tree Yes recurse result . renderTree tree currNode 'depth' else No close remaining..
Magic quotes in PHP sub arrays so you might need to write a function can recurse into the sub arrays to strip those slashes too. The PHP man..
what does comma in echo statement signify? to echo a string from a Recursive function echo li node recurse arr li and echo li . node . recurse arr . li function writeList.. function echo li node recurse arr li and echo li . node . recurse arr . li function writeList tree if tree null return echo ul..
PHP Binary Tree Recursion Algorithm to print a binary tree level by level. My solution is to recurse through the tree and push the node into a hashmap that has the.. untested and most likely wrong but my first shot function recurse_tree data level 0 final array tmp array first check if data.. data foreach data as elm push data to the tmp array tmp recurse_tree elm level 1 not an array else push data to the final..
PHP convert string to htmlentities pre div this should be ignored div EOF Code php function recurse doc parent if parent hasChildNodes return foreach parent childNodes.. child elm appendChild doc createTextNode content else recurse doc elm Load in the DOM remembering that XML requires one root.. . str . document Iterate the DOM finding code and pre tags recurse doc doc documentElement Output the result foreach doc childNodes..
how to Display Multiple Images (blob) from mysql using php? You need a image.php file that loads one image. And recurse it in another part calling it every time. image.php code id..
Traverse the DOM tree DOM objects have a childNodes attribute so would I need to recurse over the whole tree Also early experiments with DOMNodeLists..
Reset array keys in multidimensional array
jQuery constantly ping for Ajax responce share improve this question To iterate is human to recurse divine. L. Peter Deutsch var req function .ajax url 'http