php Programming Glossary: redirection
Set locale in Symfony 2.1 merge '_locale' locale locale a li endfor A redirection with locale change from a controller LocalizedUrl this get 'router'..
Why I have to call 'exit' after redirection through header('Location..') in PHP? I have to call 'exit' after redirection through header 'Location..' in PHP You know that if you want..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? user agents MAY use the Location field value for automatic redirection. This response is cacheable unless indicated otherwise. 10.3.2.. resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection might be altered on occasion the client SHOULD continue to use.. resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection MAY be altered on occasion the client SHOULD continue to use..
How to get the real URL after file_get_contents if redirection happens? to get the real URL after file_get_contents if redirection happens I'm using file_get_contents to grab content from a..
facebook error 'Error validating verification code' is not valid. Slash is not valid either so a nested redirection url will always fail. The ONLY way to overcome the special char..
Why would one omit the close tag? introduced a security vulnerability say you are doing a redirection but hence the headers are already sent the redirection does.. a redirection but hence the headers are already sent the redirection does not work and the rest of the page might be output thus.. unbilled. This is also one of the reasons why needless redirection is evil and if redirection is to be used it must be used with..
Get Nearest Places Google Maps (MySQL Spatial Data) each record. 3 The above process can be done with multiple redirection. For optimizing query you can use Stored Procedure. And this..
Seamless way to check if user likes page this page was not accessed through a Facebook page tab 2 a redirection was made so the request is lost echo signed_request was not..
how to call a php function on button click to say the least. You can just use header to do the redirection it would be much cleaner than all this messing around with echoing..
Page redirect after certain time PHP I saw it somewhere but can't remember. It's like the gmail redirection after logging in. Please could anyone remind me php redirect..
HTTP response code after redirect to know how can I get only HTTP code from header Also here redirection to server is involved so I afraid curl will not be useful to..
How to disable redirection after login_check in Symfony 2 to disable redirection after login_check in Symfony 2 I need to disable redirection.. after login_check in Symfony 2 I need to disable redirection after login check because I need to get only that the login..
php redirection not working redirection not working Ive got this register script that puts the information..
Redirection to the original site after purchase is completed in Paypal to the original site after purchase is completed in Paypal ..
PHP Redirection with Post Parameters Redirection with Post Parameters I have a webpage. This webpage redirects..
Session lost after page redirect in php msg else err Error Invalid login. No such user exists Redirection code connect database require_once 'dbc.php' page_protect authorID..
PHP header() redirect with POST variables [duplicate] duplicate This question already has an answer here PHP Redirection with Post Parameters 6 answers I'm working with PHP..
Redirection / Return Check in PHP Return Check in PHP I have a website running in PHP and I have..
I am confused about PHP Post/Redirect/Get economical to redirect the user once again Redirect where. Redirection is pretty cheap thing. Should I use PHP header or Javascript..
Handling Soap timeouts in PHP body No Content Length connection closed or chunked data Redirection limit reached aborting Didn't recieve an xml document Unknown..