php Programming Glossary: recorded
Sending file from iOS to PHP using POST File Size varies depending on the length of audio being recorded but there is data. I'm getting a response of Nothing . php..
How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL a new entry on our db if user's session is not already recorded query insert ignore into sessions_per_ip ip session_id values..
How could I change this mysql to mysqli? red An Internal Error has Occured. BR The error has been recorded for review font center br ' if _SESSION 'auto_id' 1 sql_formatted..
Symfony 1.4 with TCPDF: How to retreive data from a database and show it as a .pdf file? posts ob_get_contents php ob_end_clean The view content is recorded in the variable posts testSuccess.php php ob_start h2 Listado..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address for e mail addresses that is more restrictive than the recorded formal standard. That is no better than all the other non RFC..
How to record voice files using PHP, FLASH the development of flash recording by JeroenW. To play recorded video you can use any flash video player that support playing.. support playing rtmp video source. You cannot play the recorded flv file in RED5 directly since the file lack of metadata required..
How to test a site rigorously? The program reports the total number of hits recorded bytes transferred response time concurrency and return status...
How to sort rows of HTML table that are called from MySQL td td php echo row 'description' td td php echo row 'recorded_date' td td php echo row 'added_date' td tr br php mysql_close.. sort desc Description a th th a href mypage.php sort recorded Recorded Date a th th a href mypage.php sort added Added Date.. 'desc' sql . ORDER BY Description elseif _GET 'sort' 'recorded' sql . ORDER BY DateRecorded elseif _GET 'sort' 'added' sql..
Magento - How do I add an invoice fee to an order during checkout process the quote and order tables so the fee you have charged is recorded and shown to the admin. It is also possible to specify your..
How to display youtube-like video player in website? in website I'm working on a website where I want camera recorded vidoes to be uploaded and be viewable but not downloadable to..
looping a SQL insert statement with dates table has one row for each date starting at the first recorded business event in your database plus a year or so . Keep enough..
Prevent Duplicate SQL entries that no duplicate entries for fieldname field will be recorded into tablename table. You will get a MySQL error with the second..
Is Full Text search the answer? something like this ID an int and the unique ID of the recorded Title The name of the item Description The items description..
How to construct a chart from a table? How to make an array of column names were read and recorded in Table X Y and the series How do I use the array to draw the..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game in the level etc which you can later reconcile against recorded interim scores. You don't even have to have a way to detect..
PHP MySQL Triggers - How to pass variables to trigger? table in which anything that gets updated or inserted gets recorded in the log table For example Inserts into the table the username..