php Programming Glossary: pushes
PHP application + WebSocket based notifications over Socket.IO Now I have to add realtime notification system that pushes messages from server client and can retrieve messages pushed..
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”? class has not been declared in the same script file it pushes the act of registering the class in its internal data structures..
How does Facebook notify and instantly shows new comments or how does Stackoverflow do it? to his status channel here comes node.js 5 Node.js pushes the notification in the browser with As for facebook..
$_POST data returns empty when headers are > POST_MAX_SIZE larger than php.ini POST_MAX_SIZE UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE and pushes submit then PHP seems to try process the form only to fail on..
Alternative for PHP mail Big delays occur. Are there alternatives to PHP mail that pushes the order to my company So I prefer not to poll the website...
What is the best way to handle this: large download via PHP + slow connection from client = script timeout before file is completely downloaded they actually go to a PHP page that logs each download and pushes the file out by writing it to stdout along with the appropriate..
Why would only some devices be receiving push notifications by others here's a checklist of things to consider when pushes don't work. If your total push packet exceeds 256 bytes including..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? maintain a continuous connection to the server the server pushes any new messages to this connection and javascript adds them..
What does this PHP code do? [closed] catch e So a long story short it pushes people to the site linked above ... ... not good. share improve..
Save remote file that pushes headers to force download remote file that pushes headers to force download I can download remote files using.. files using PHP but how do you download from a link that pushes headers out I mean you can click on some links and it will force..
Loading multiple versions of the same class of Apple immediately updates his local version and pushes a new edition of his system. The developer of Orange is on vacation..
Creating a live checkers-like web app with PHP, JS, CSS and HTML? a web based client application that receives server side pushes instead of the client constantly polling the server which is..
PHP merge array(s) and delete double values ty for all reply's and good code. Its run the loop and pushes every outcome in a array. php query_posts 'post_type therapeut'..
How to make a chat room script with PHP? to keep refresh the browser. But I don't understand how it pushes new messages to existing user's window. php chatroom share..
Best way to destroy PHP object? stay there however if you unset the object and your script pushes PHP to the memory limits the objects not needed will be garbage..
How do I write unit tests in PHP with a procedural codebase? 5 10 lines 1 2 asserts when dealing with a function that pushes and pulls lots of globals. Another basic issue is whether the..
Does RabbitMQ call the callback function for a consumer when it has some message for it? Java program that consumes from the broker so the broker pushes deliveries to them and they could call the script whenever a..