php Programming Glossary: optimized
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? file contents against a known hash value. They're greatly optimized to make this verification as fast as possible while still being..
Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way method till we dont get the lowest node. I need the best optimized technique within my data model constraint. Feel free to answer..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability queries your application is doing Whether those are optimized using the right indexes mainly using the EXPLAIN instruction.. And what now If you are still reading what else could be optimized Well there is still room for improvements... A couple of architecture..
htmlentities in PHP but preserving html tags It doesn't really fit in one line is might not be the most optimized solution but it should work fine and has the advantage of allowing..
What does the `[^][]` regex mean? But you can do the same with this pattern a little bit optimized and more useful cause reusable as subpattern with the 1 ^ 1..
SHA1 vs md5 vs SHA256: which to use for a PHP login? You should use bcrypt . The hashes you mention are all optimized to be quick and easy on hardware and so cracking them share..
Opening/closing tags & performance? method is 2 times faster. Oh my 2 times I choose it and optimized my app well it will run 50 faster now Wrong . Not 50 . You'd.. notice or even measure this speed increase. Because you optimized a part that take only 0 01 of whole script runtime. As for the..
Initializing PHP class property declarations with simple expressions yields syntax error that not only should be accepted but should in fact be optimized away. In any case it's certainly able to be evaluated at compile..
Code Challenge - Convert var_dump of array back to array variable 1 0 string 3 you The challenge is this What is the best optimized method for recompiling the array to a useable array for PHP.. This is a code challenge to see if it can be done in an optimized and creative way. So serialize and var_export are not solutions..
Decode a PHP encoded with 'zend guard' for the interpreter and was sure people easily decode optimized files using some software. Now I need to decode some files and..
PHPExcel reader — help required chandigarh now i have some problems please suggest me the optimized method how do we get the sheet name bcoz in one excel there..
Find out where your PHP code is slowing down (Performance Issue) about finding out what's slowing the application down I've optimized the code to make very few DB queries so I know that it is the..
PHP - concatenate or directly insert variables in string your first syntax echo Welcome . name. Could probably be optimized avoiding concatenations using echo Welcome name But as I said..
Generating UNIQUE Random Numbers within a range - PHP goto generator I know this code is bad so i need a better optimized code of my version help example if i need to generate 3 numbers..
PHP: Regex to ignore escaped quotes within quotes a frequently asked question and one which was solved and optimized long ago. Jeffrey Friedl covers this question in depth as an..
Faceted Search (solr) vs Good old filtering via PHP? While MySQL will take longer for the same search it can be optimized with indexes to achieve similar response times. The downside..
Which is faster, python webpages or php webpages? Fortunately many of these parts can be independently optimized affording you various avenues to seek performance gains. share..
Get the number of pages in a PDF document no Page size 2384 x 3370 pts A0 File size 17569259 bytes Optimized yes PDF version 1.6 I haven't seen a PDF document where it returned..
PHP Get height and width in Pdf file proprieties Page size 552.744 x 708.643 pts File size 80724791 bytes Optimized yes PDF version 1.3 I have a script witch extract my info php.. no Page size 425.2 x 538.582 pts File size 5097597 bytes Optimized yes PDF version 1.6 425.2 x 538.582 So my script doesn't work.. no Page size 425.2 x 538.582 pts File size 5097597 bytes Optimized yes PDF version 1.6' preg_match ' Page size 0 9 . 0 9 x 0 9..