php Programming Glossary: operator
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? Why is this It used to be hard to find questions about operators and other syntax tokens.¹ The main idea is to have links to.. start a PHP function with an ampersand Understanding PHP's operator PHP operator difference between and in PHP What does mean here.. with an ampersand Understanding PHP's operator PHP operator difference between and in PHP What does mean here in PHP what..
The behaviour of the or operator in PHP must be true . false is not even being evaluated here. Operator precedence dictates in which order parts of an expression are..
How to make a calculator in PHP? operate Stack stack return this value abstract class Operator extends TerminalExpression protected precidence 0 protected.. isLeftAssoc return this leftAssoc public function isOperator return true class Addition extends Operator protected precidence.. function isOperator return true class Addition extends Operator protected precidence 4 public function operate Stack stack return..
Double Not (!!) Operator in PHP Not Operator in PHP Does anybody know what the double not operator does..
What is the difference between the | and || or operators? this question Just like the and operator the double Operator is a short circuit operator. For example if condition1 condition2.. and you get a nice NullReferenceException. With the Or Operator that may not be that much of a trap as it's unlikely that you..
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? you might find it in the List of Parser Tokens . Bitwise Operators or References What does it mean to start a PHP function with.. ' ' and ' ' operators do PHP What does mean in PHP Bitwise Operators what do operators in php mean What do the ' ' and ' ' operators.. php mean What do the ' ' and ' ' operators do PHP Logical Operators 'AND' vs ' ' as operator difference between and in PHP PHP..
Where can I read about conditionals done with ? and : [duplicate] share improve this question It's the Ternary Operator . Basic usage is something like foo if this expressions returns..
Operator Overloading in PHP Overloading in PHP Is it possible to overload operators in..
Why is $a + ++$a == 2? undefined behavior a 1 echo a a may print 4 or 5 Notes Operator precedence does not determine the order of evaluation. Operator.. precedence does not determine the order of evaluation. Operator precedence only determines that the expression l l is parsed.. right operand is evaluated first the result would be 1 1. Operator associativity also does not determine order of evaluation. That..