php Programming Glossary: openssl_verify
PHP + OpenSSL : error returned, but correct result function for RSA sign verify in PHP. When I try to do openssl_verify using my public key I am getting this error error 0906D06C PEM.. share improve this question Have you tried to call openssl_verify with a maybe self signed certificate containing your public.. . n openssl_sign 'Test' sig private var_dump openssl_verify 'Test' sig public echo openssl_error_string . n Example for..
PHP rsa get public key from pem file in C Program Files xxxx rsa.php Tried same thing openssl_verify. verify is rturning 0 Trying to verify sign received with base64_encode.. status openssl_verify msg base64DecodedStr pub_key Please help me to resolve this..
Android in-app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL cert state whether signature is okay or not ok openssl_verify data signature pubkeyid if ok 1 echo good elseif ok 0 echo bad..
How do I verify Android in-app-billing transactions on MY server? android in app billing share improve this question Use openssl_verify data signature key The variables data and signature should be.. your servers rather than in your actual php code. If the openssl_verify call succeeds you should store the order numbers on your servers..