php Programming Glossary: openssl_pkey_export
openssl_pkey_new() throwing errors — Proper openssl.cnf setup for php key openssl_pkey_new configArgs print_r configArgs openssl_pkey_export key pkeyout password if e openssl_error_string false return.. being generated. The following code res openssl_pkey_new openssl_pkey_export res privkey var_dump openssl_error_string var_dump privkey Gives..
removing password from rsa private key RSA PRIVATE KEY ' 'password' if pkey false exit 'FAILURE' openssl_pkey_export pkey out_key_file echo out_key_file Only problem the code dies.. key 'password' if pkey false die openssl_error_string openssl_pkey_export pkey out_key_file echo Wrote to out_key_file n And that works..
OpenSSL not working on Windows Create the keypair res openssl_pkey_new Get private key openssl_pkey_export res privkey Get public key pubkey openssl_pkey_get_details res.. working fine Extract the private key from res to privKey openssl_pkey_export res privKey openssl_error_string May throw error even though..
How to create a digital certificate and export to .p12 file in PHP? openssl_x509_export sscert certout and var_dump certout openssl_pkey_export privkey pkeyout mypassword and var_dump pkeyout Show any errors..
Why different private key strings under Linux or Windows? privateKeyResourceId openssl_pkey_new this configs openssl_pkey_export privateKeyResourceId privateKeyString On Linux the privateKeyString..