php Programming Glossary: operands
What is the PHP ? : operator called and what does it do? wrong. is a ternary operator which means that it has three operands. People wind up thinking its name is the ternary operator because..
require_once () or die() not working passing the result to require_once. Or takes two boolean operands. 'abc.php' evaluates to true therefore the whole expression..
PHP: 'or' statement on instruction fail: how to throw a new exception? if either operand evaluates to TRUE. This means the operands must be expressions that can be cast as a boolean. So the reason..
The behaviour of the or operator in PHP Higher precedence operators are grouped with their operands before lower precedence operators. Therefore e false true false..
What does !== in php mean? question They are the strict equality operators the two operands must have the same type and value in order the result to be..
Setting variables on Constructor VS on the class definition of ops 11 compiled vars 0 a line # op fetch ext return operands 2 0 EXT_STMT 1 NOP 7 2 EXT_STMT 3 ZEND_FETCH_CLASS 1.. of ops 4 compiled vars none line # op fetch ext return operands 4 0 EXT_NOP 5 1 EXT_STMT 2 RETURN null 3 ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION.. of ops 11 compiled vars 0 a line # op fetch ext return operands 2 0 EXT_STMT 1 NOP 8 2 EXT_STMT 3 ZEND_FETCH_CLASS 1..
mysqli or die, does it have to die? Because OR operator will return TRUE either if one if 2 operands is TRUE a smart interpreter wouldn't run second operand at all..
PHP Type-Juggling and (strict) Greater/Lesser Than Comparisons comparisons if it makes any difference if left and right operands are swapped with strictly unequal values # precondition if a..
Arithmetic with Arbitrarily Large Integers in PHP issues when manipulating individual chunks of the two operands. Approach #2 Use the bcmath extension as this looks like something..
php == vs === operator [duplicate] That means that it will only return true if both operands have the same type and the same value. Examples 1 1 true 1 1.. 1 gets casted to an integer which is 1 foo foo true both operands are strings and have the same value Warning two instances of..
How to add/remove PKCS7 padding from an AES encrypted string? function in PHP have a special handling for negative operands arguments to count from the end of the string. I don't know..
Why is $a + ++$a == 2? . It does not determine in what order a single operator's operands are evaluated. Also relevant On this bug report regarding another..