php Programming Glossary: ltrim
Find weekly periods (starting on a Monday) for a month foreach p as w weekNumber w format 'W' weekNumberList ltrim weekNumber '0' return weekNumberList Strangely for the month..
URL rewriting with PHP find in your site. In there you can then for example path ltrim _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' ' ' Trim leading slash es elements explode..
MD5 implementation in PHP - where am I going wrong? bin for i 0 i strlen str i bin . hexbinmap str i bin ltrim bin '0' echo Original . str. New . bin. br return bin function.. bin for i 0 i strlen str i bin . hexbinmap str i bin ltrim bin '0' echo Original . str. New . bin. br return bin function..
Remove excess whitespace from within a string on the beginning or end of the string you can use trim ltrim or rtrim to remove it. If you are dealing with extra spaces..
PHP - How to base_convert() up to base 62 strval value r n t vorzeichen ' ' value 0 ' ' '' value ltrim value 0 len strlen value for i 0 i len i wert strpos vorrat..
Same array indexes - sequential comparison sort y 0 strpos sort y ' ' . P echo P class p12 ft4 .ltrim substr sort b strpos sort b ' ' . p TH echo TH class tr1 td26.. sort b ' ' . p TH echo TH class tr1 td26 P class p12 ft4 .ltrim substr sort y strpos sort y ' ' . P TH break This problem is.. break This problem is that the solution didn't work and ltrim the values properly. php arrays recursion comparison share..
How do I make a simple crawler in PHP? getAttribute 'href' if 0 strpos href 'http' path ' ' . ltrim href ' ' if extension_loaded 'http' href http_build_url url..
Is there an easy way to convert a number to a word in PHP? string number output if integer 0 output negative integer ltrim integer else if integer 0 output positive integer ltrim integer.. ltrim integer else if integer 0 output positive integer ltrim integer if integer 0 0 output . zero else integer str_pad..
Advice for implementing simple regex (for bbcode/geshi parsing) 1 'text' Remove leading spaces to avoid problems content ltrim contentArray 2 Parse the code to be highlighted geshi new GeSHi..
PHP String Remove All Leading Zeroes
Validate user inputted PHP code before passing it to eval() pattern . sprintf ' s ' token pattern sprintf '~^ s ~' ltrim pattern ' ' echo pattern Only if the whole input string matches..
How to get next alpha-numeric ID based on existing value from MySQL last mysqli_fetch_assoc mysqli_query link query newNum int ltrim substr last 'company_ref' 4 '0' 1 newRef fourLetters.str_pad..
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string public function trim if this charlist return this ltrim this rtrim number of consecutive charcters of charlist from.. if isset charlist char break return count public function ltrim count this lengthOfCharacterSequence this charlist 0 if count..
PHP multipart form data PUT request? break if part r n break Separate content from headers part ltrim part r n list raw_headers body explode r n r n part 2 Parse.. list name value explode ' ' header headers strtolower name ltrim value ' ' Parse the Content Disposition to get the field name..