php Programming Glossary: log.d
Send JSON from Java to PHP through Post in Log.i Read from Server a catch Exception e Log.d error e.toString return null protected void onPostExecute..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php resultTest 0 UserFunctions userFunction new UserFunctions Log.d TAG UID mEmail Log.d TAG resultTest resultTest JSONObject jsonTest.. userFunction new UserFunctions Log.d TAG UID mEmail Log.d TAG resultTest resultTest JSONObject jsonTest userFunction.storeTest.. JSONObject jsonTest userFunction.storeTest mEmail Log.d TAG After JSON TEST try if jsonTest.getString KEY_SUCCESS..
NullPointerException by parsing JSON in at the line with the code Log.d Login attempt json.toString I am using WAMP server and I already.. params.add new BasicNameValuePair password password Log.d request starting JSONObject json jsonParser.makeHttpRequest.. LOGIN_URL POST params full json response Log.d Login attempt json.toString json success element success json.getInt..
android/php record not inserting into mysql url_insertTo_outtrans POST params obj.put params Log.d JSON obj.toString check log cat from response Log.d Create.. Log.d JSON obj.toString check log cat from response Log.d Create Response json.toString PHP php Following code will create..
Code to upload Video from Android to PHP String serverResponseMessage connection.getResponseMessage Log.d ServerCode serverResponseCode Log.d serverResponseMessage serverResponseMessage.. Log.d ServerCode serverResponseCode Log.d serverResponseMessage serverResponseMessage fileInputStream.close..