php Programming Glossary: love
PHP Sessions across sub domains and can't figue out what. If you have an idea I'd love to hear it. Thanks in advance ~John share improve this answer..
Convert PHP to C++ code There are bunch of great PHP tools software that I'd love to use and incorporate into C GUI or non GUI applications To..
MySQL Stored Procedure vs. complex query many different types of clients. Database administrators love them because they control how the database is used as opposed..
Sort Object in PHP PHP What is an elegant way to sort objects in PHP I would love to accomplish something similar to this. sortedObjectArary sort..
Good Training Sources for OOP PHP, Anyone? or Written. php oop share improve this question I love the PHP Manual's guide to OOP. It's to the point and has many..
What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP? the following code based on a number of sources. I would love it if somebody could please poke holes in the answer or shed..
How to use XMLReader in PHP? not found a good tutorial on this for PHP and would love to see how i can get each element content to store in a database...
Elegant way to search for UTF-8 files with BOM? . type f exec sed '1s ^ xEF xBB xBF ' i.bak exec rm .bak I love find If you want just to show BOM files use this one grep rl..
Simplest way to profile a PHP script script What's the easiest way to profile a PHP script I'd love tacking something on that shows me a dump of all function calls..
A more pretty/informative Var_dump alternative in PHP? programmer has a print_r or var_dump wrapper they use love and assign shortcut keys to why don't we share our favourite..
PHP and Enumerations become accustomed to them from the Java world. I would love to use enums as a way to give predefined values which IDEs'..
PHP: Remote file size without downloading file
What are the best PHP input sanitizing functions? but weird feeling built in filter functions and learn to love regexes. This is data validation. Validation is not the same..
best way to detect country / location of visitor? [duplicate] i don't want want to bother visitor with questions i would love to automatically detects the visitor's location country should..
What is your preferred php deployment strategy? [closed] closed I'm beginning a new project in PHP and I'd love to get some feedback from other developers on their preferred.. on their preferred strategy for PHP deployment. I'd love to automate things a bit so that once changes are committed..
Best way to access Exchange using PHP? to be deprecated any time soon. Any ideas Update Justin I love the idea of using com objects I just worry about maintaining..
SEO Friendly URL Friendly URL I love the way SO gives link to question Like this question have the..
Running command-line application from PHP as specific user music and resumes playback when the phone is on hook. I love VoIP phones Solution Thanks to Carpetsmoker and Tarek I used..
Multiple Inheritance in PHP two types of Invitation classes have a lot in common i'd love to have a common parent class Invitation that they both would..
PHP String Differences and Dynamic Restrictions Match in string string Damn you Spar Will will kill you. I Love it man. preg_match pattern string matches View in array which.. you. 3 4 5 ' string 'Damn you Spar Will will kill you. I Love it man.' model_words explode ' ' model string_words explode.. 5 1 string 'Will' length 4 2 string 'I' length 1 3 string 'Love' length 4 4 string 'it' length 2 5 string 'man.' length 4 'placeholders'..
How do i get out of the habit of procedural programming and into object oriented programming? say necessity is the mother of creativity. as well as Love of money is the root of evil . But to me and my cohorts laziness..
apostrophes are breaking my mysql query in PHP the apostrophe in some of the restaurant names derails the Love Train. How do I keep this from happening Snide answer Use the..
PHP - Merge duplicate array keys in a multidimensional array Michael Jackson Rock With You 2 Array Teddy Pendergrass Love TKO 3 Array ACDC Back in Black I would like to merge the.. 0 Thriller 1 Rock With You 1 Array Teddy Pendergrass Love TKO 2 Array ACDC Back in Black How do I do this Bonus points.. li li Thriller li ul h2 Teddy Pendergrass h2 ul li Love TKO li ul h2 ACDC h2 ul li Back in Black li ul php arrays multidimensional..
PHP if string contains URL isolate it as another separate string. For example SESAC showin the Love http 1uk7fi I need to be able to isolate the URL..
How can i parse this json data? Los Angeles OM Records Candy Talk .CHUCK LOVE Minneapolis Love Network Tour Om Records .ANDY COMPTON UK The Rurals Kholofelo..
Smarty (and other tpl ngins): assign and assign_by_ref I am very curious. UPDATE So PHP uses copy on write ... Love it. And objects are always pointers. What happens when you a..