php Programming Glossary: locks
How to prevent the cron job execution, if it is already running my own use http blog 2009 12 how to use locks in php cron jobs to avoid cron overlaps share improve this..
MySQL Deadlock Detection via PHP occurs in a scenario like this UPDATE t_first transacion 1 locks t_first SET id 1 UPDATE t_second transaction 2 locks t_second.. 1 locks t_first SET id 1 UPDATE t_second transaction 2 locks t_second SET id 2 UPDATE t_second transaction 1 waits for transaction..
PHP ending sessions(different ways) i dont understand all cookies etc and navigate to the index page then it locks me out. As you can see above ive tried multiple things and in..
What is a class in PHP? new Chest chestLock Chest and Door now have their unique locks. If the lock was a magical lock that can exist in multiple places..
how to maintain session in cURL in php? when multiple scripts play around with the session so it locks it. Putting session_write_close makes sure that your current..
How does session_start lock in PHP? PHP Originally I just want to verify that session_start locks on session. So I create a PHP file as below. Basically if the.. the first request is finished could also be an addon that blocks the second request haven't tested that . Take e.g. php test.php..
PHP mutual exclusion (mutex) The other options that you have are MySQL user level locks GET_LOCK 'name' 'timeout' or creating your own using something..
blocking login after X failed attempts is deny the user access. You could have a 3rd field which locks them out for a few hours or a day. i.e. CanLoginAfter datetime..
asynchronous processing with PHP - one worker per job a message queue. I simply used an array in the master with locks. When a child got a job it would write a lock file with the..
should LOCK_EX on both read & write be atomic? is not atomic as it does not respect advisory locks . About file locks in PHP In PHP while on a nix platform filesystem.. atomic as it does not respect advisory locks . About file locks in PHP In PHP while on a nix platform filesystem locking is.. comes in Apache will serve the partially written file. The locks will have no effect on the other process reading the lock. The..
Can I do a CURL request to the same server? run into a deadlock situation. The default session handler locks the session file for the duration of the page request. When..
Prevent Duplicate SQL entries browser window will be delayed until you release the locks. Then the record will be already saved so the second PHP script..
Running concurrent PHP scripts are using sessions. When a script has a running session it locks the session file to prevent concurrent writes which may corrupt..
Store all data changes with every details (like Stackoverflow) [closed] history table becomes a bottleneck because of write locks harder to implement rollbacks possible data conversion errors..