php Programming Glossary: leak
Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model with something better. This seems to me like encapsulation leak. This would make the data mapper methods look like public function..
Why does this simple php script leak memory? does this simple php script leak memory In hopes of trying to avoid future memory leaks in php.. leak memory In hopes of trying to avoid future memory leaks in php programs drupal modules etc. I've been messing around.. etc. I've been messing around with simple php scripts that leak memory. Could a php expert help me find what about this script..
How to hash long passwords (>72 characters) with blowfish server so it's quite possible that only the database is leaked and not the constant pepper. In this case pepper not leaked.. and not the constant pepper. In this case pepper not leaked you make an attack based on a dictionary more difficult correct.. me if this isn't right . If your pepper string is also leaked not that bad you still have the salt and it's as good protected..
PHP Out of Memory - Crashes Apache? http manual_faq.htm#memory_leak I think I should be clearing memory otherwise it will crash... it will crash. Testing now. Update4 Yep it was a memory leak php apache memory share improve this question Apache was.. this question Apache was crashing due to a memory leak which was caused by not closing a resource that was being used..
php/symfony/doctrine memory leak? symfony doctrine memory leak I'm having problems with a batch insertion of objects into.. bigger than 1500 fails. Thanks for the help. php memory leaks symfony1 doctrine share improve this question Tried doing.. a copy of every query you make. It didn't stop the memory leakage but I was able to get about twice as far through my data..
Security of PHP script, embedded or otherwise dropping files into a folder. Whilst it's never ideal to leak PHP source you can mitigate the situation by putting all your.. htdocs . It's much harder to screw up the configuration to leak that. For larger more modular projects you will typically be..
PHP - CSRF - How to make it works in all tabs? that a momentary client compromise or MitM attack doesn't leak a token that'll work for that user forever and a value that..
Does PHP support the RAII pattern? How?
Email Tracking - GMail or HTTPS That's the problem. HTTPS HTTP referrals do not leak HTTP_REFERER. So if you embed a HTTP hosted image in an email.. tested it and sure enough secure HTTPS images do indeed leak the HTTP Referrer. So there's no way Gmail could block the referrer..
Magento bulk price changes product loading and saving Magento 1.4 has a memory leak in the product model . This is why I'm simply selecting the..
Implement map in javascript that supports object methods as mapped functions? a little more code than bindMethod above IE loves to leak memory when you start leaving references like bound methods..
How should a model be structured in MVC? business logic. You can avoid them but at the penalty of leaking some domain logic into Controllers . There is a related answer.. itself because otherwise the abstraction would start to leak . I might have to think of something more fitting. What is the..
Diagnosing Memory Leaks - Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted be solving the symptom and not the problem Diagnosing the leak The error message points to a line withing a loop that I believe.. points to a line withing a loop that I believe to be leaking or needlessly accumulating memory. I've printed memory_get_usage.. voodoo can help me find and fix the problem php memory leaks share improve this question PHP doesn't have a garbage..
PHP Equivalent for Java Triple DES encryption/decryption but to me it just feels wrong and may open a huge security leak. Create a random IV and just concatenate it at the start or..
Correct way to manage sessions in PHP? my friend is logged on from my browser and he leaves for a leak. I quickly check which cookies are set in his browser and decipher..