php Programming Glossary: lead
How foreach actually works the internal array pointer changing it within the loop may lead to unexpected behavior. Well lets find out what that unexpected.. points to then you'll leave behind a dangling pointer leading to a segmentation fault. As such external array pointers.. share the same array pointer in some weird way. And this leads us to foreach Array iteration in foreach Now you know why foreach..
Security threats with uploads a maliciously crafted file may exploit it which may lead to security breaches the most common example of such attacks..
Null vs. False vs. 0 in PHP
How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php? solve this kind of problem is a bad idea and will likely lead in unmaintainable and unreliable code. Better us an HTML parser..
How to merge transparent PNG with image using PHP? png on top of the image and merge those two which would lead to a final third picture that looks something like this http..
Why is REGISTER_GLOBALS so bad? variables is not an error in PHP it's a warning it can lead to very nasty situations. Consider this for example php debug.. the same reason but PHP code is usually very low quality leading to this kind of security holes. share improve this answer..
Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error Exception will provide you with a stack trace which will lead you the the place from which an erroneous query were called...
Are global variables in PHP considered bad practice? If so, why? is that objects have been bolted onto PHP and in some ways lead to some awkwardness. Don't concern yourself overly with applying..
isset() and empty() make code ugly work just fine undefined and honestly wrong code that may lead to serious errors This is also the reason why you always always..
Array as session variable respective checkboxes. On submitting this form it will lead to a transaction page page 3 where values of posted checkboxes..
Hash Collision - what are the chances? PHP's raw_output feature when you use SHA 1 as this will lead to a shorter string and hence will make your database operations..
How to show Ajax requests in URL? series of seriously difficult problems I know as I was the lead architect for the last two sites . Some of these problems are..
Exotic names for methods, constants, variables and fields - Bug or Feature? must stick to UTF 8. Outside of the ASCII range UTF 8 uses lead bytes from 0xc0 to 0xfd and the trail bytes are in the range.. code points independently of the encoding . This may lead to some very difficult to track bugs. share improve this answer..
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP want to do this at the same time is non trivial and could lead to some users waiting a long time. And you still need to prune..
Best way to parse bbcode http Any better idea or anything that could lead to a efficient flexible bbcode parser Thank you and sorry for..
How to avoid “Using temporary” in many-to-many queries? primary key as typical queries for this scenario always lead by cat_id x or cat_id in x y z... . We have 500K categories.. primary key article_id category_id good for queries that lead with article_id x key category_id engine innodb or. create table.. primary key category_id article_id good for queries that lead with category_id x key article_id engine innodb depends on your..
Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones the community. This answer is still pretty popular and can lead newcomers to the approach I don't think is the best one anymore...
Ignore html tags in preg_replace textnodes with the DOMText splitText function. That can lead to wrong offsets as the functions needs the UTF 8 character..