php Programming Glossary: lc_collate
How to sort an array of UTF-8 strings? 'Apfel' 'Ungetiere' ' sterreich' oldLocal setlocale LC_COLLATE 0 var_dump setlocale LC_COLLATE 'German_Germany.65001' usort.. oldLocal setlocale LC_COLLATE 0 var_dump setlocale LC_COLLATE 'German_Germany.65001' usort array 'strcoll' var_dump setlocale.. usort array 'strcoll' var_dump setlocale LC_COLLATE oldLocal var_dump array The output is string 20 German_Germany.65001..
PHP: Dealing special characters with iconv When doing transliteration you have to make sure that your LC_COLLATE is properly set otherwise the default POSIX will be used. To..
php iconv translit for removing accents: not working as excepted? add nothing changed after adding setlocale setlocale LC_COLLATE 'en_US.utf8' echo iconv 'UTF 8' 'ASCII TRANSLIT' 'è' php string..
Natural sorting algorithm in PHP with support for Unicode? ' gile' ' gile' ' gile' 'Agile' 'Test' oldLocal setlocale LC_COLLATE ' your_RFC1766_language_code .utf8' usort array 'strcoll' setlocale.. .utf8' usort array 'strcoll' setlocale LC_COLLATE oldLocal Please note that it's mandatory to use the UTF 8 locale..