php Programming Glossary: laziness
What does it mean to escape a string? I could go on but I am sure you get the point. This is not laziness. php mysql security escaping share improve this question..
PHP, SimpleXML, decoding entities in CDATA of the XML. One common reason to do this other than laziness with poorly understood libraries is to treat something marked..
How do i get out of the habit of procedural programming and into object oriented programming? written enough software to feel that way. The necessity of laziness Some people say necessity is the mother of creativity. as well.. of money is the root of evil . But to me and my cohorts laziness in the face of necessity are the parents of creativity. as well..
How to get name of calling function/method in PHP? . I hope it not doing it myself want be taken as normal laziness but as good programming laziness. EDIT Here is the answer http.. want be taken as normal laziness but as good programming laziness. EDIT Here is the answer http questions 190421..
Will including unnecessary php files slow down website?
Android JSON to PHP Server and back Thanks for the links below but i'm not asking this out of laziness it's out of annoyance at my seeming inability to send a JSON..