php Programming Glossary: initialisation
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? by the crypt function The IV field is used to store the initialisation vector used for encryption. The storage requirements depend.. choice affects the size of both the encryption key and initialisation vector their sizes can be found via mcrypt_get_key_size and.. in CFB mode so the encryption key size is 32 bytes and the initialisation vector size is 16 bytes. Encryption key A good encryption key..
Listing diary events grouped by days in PHP/MySQL row current_date row 'entry_date' output current_date initialisation do output event row while row STH fetch and row 'entry_date'..
How can I separate javascript from PHP when the JS needs a PHP variable? The problem with that idea is the JS file depends on some initialisation done in the PHP file So it might be a good idea to have a default..
PHP 5.4: disable warning “Creating default object from empty value” use of just using an object with a member without any initialisation like MyObject MyMember Hello which results in the warning Creating..
Cannot use concatenation when declaring default class properties in PHP? information in order to be evaluated. For more complex initialisation use the constructor public function __construct this settings..