php Programming Glossary: init.php
php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker please see http manual en function.curl multi init.php for more information. This way it will load much faster and..
Is it a good idea to use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] in includes? the web root. They would in fact be like var www app core init.php where var www app is the web root For instance I have an core.. var www app is the web root For instance I have an core init.php which is called using relative paths from places all over the.. website file.php dir file.php or dir dir file.php . This init.php then includes several function pages in the func directory a..
PHP include once using c like include with a header guard i.e include_once 'init.php' VERSUS include 'init.php' contents of init.php if defined 'MY_INIT_PHP'.. a header guard i.e include_once 'init.php' VERSUS include 'init.php' contents of init.php if defined 'MY_INIT_PHP' define 'MY_INIT_PHP'.. 'init.php' VERSUS include 'init.php' contents of init.php if defined 'MY_INIT_PHP' define 'MY_INIT_PHP' true ... php..
Log-in the user with LightOpenID google example saved in test.php file php require '.. lib init.php' require '.. lib openID openid.php' try if isset _GET 'openid_mode'.. getMessage echo ' pre '.print_r openid true .' pre ' Where init.php is init file for my page constants classes functions db connection..
Trying to get property of non-object in [duplicate] to get property of non object in C wamp www phone pages init.php on line 22 Can you fix it I don't have any idea what happened...