php Programming Glossary: imgname
correct way to upload image to database . imgtype header Content Disposition attachment filename . imgname print row 'img' the problem i am having is that instead of the.. mysql_fetch_assoc query imgtypeget explode row 'imgtype' imgname img. . imgtypeget 1 imgtype row 'imgtype' imgsize row 'imgsize'..
imagecreatefrompng error error php function LoadPNG imgname Attempt to open im @imagecreatefrompng imgname See if it failed.. LoadPNG imgname Attempt to open im @imagecreatefrompng imgname See if it failed if im Create a blank image im imagecreatetruecolor.. an error message imagestring im 1 5 5 'Error loading ' . imgname tc return im header 'Content Type image png' img LoadPNG 'http..
Can I swap colors in image using GD library in PHP? question This will replace the white color with Gray imgname test.gif im imagecreatefromgif imgname index imagecolorclosest.. color with Gray imgname test.gif im imagecreatefromgif imgname index imagecolorclosest im 255 255 255 get White COlor imagecolorset.. White COlor imagecolorset im index 92 92 92 SET NEW COLOR imgname result.gif imagegif im imgname save image as gif imagedestroy..
PHP GD Library output an image and text content on same page is my code I have been messing with php function LoadJpeg imgname Attempt to open im @imagecreatefromjpeg imgname See if it failed.. LoadJpeg imgname Attempt to open im @imagecreatefromjpeg imgname See if it failed if im Create a black image im imagecreatetruecolor.. an error message imagestring im 1 5 5 'Error loading ' . imgname tc return im header 'Content Type image jpeg' img LoadJpeg..