

php Programming Glossary: imap_search

accessing my gmail inbox via php code


993 ssl INBOX USERNAME@googlemail.com PASSWORD mail imap_search mailbox ALL mail_headers imap_headerinfo mailbox mail 0 subject..

download gmail attachements from php


connect to Gmail ' . imap_last_error grab emails emails imap_search inbox 'ALL' if emails are returned cycle through each... if..

how to use imap in php to fetch mail body content


Tiriyo ' . imap_last_error echo inbox grab emails emails imap_search inbox 'ALL' if emails are returned cycle through each... if..

PHP Displaying unread mail count


mbox 1 msgCount 0 the script load to an infinity time. The imap_search UNSEEN solution is not good because pop3 don't use this flag... msgno if headers Unseen 'U' ... do something ... 2. Using imap_search There's a flag called UNSEEN which you can use to search for.. use to search for the unread emails. You would call the imap_search function with the UNSEEN flag like so result imap_search connection..

how to download mails attachment to a specific folder using IMAP and php


or die 'Cannot connect to ' . imap_last_error emails imap_search inbox 'ALL' if emails output '' rsort emails foreach emails..