php Programming Glossary: goto
“Keep Me Logged In” - the best approach databaseHash md5 salt username ip salt if they do goto 2 if they don't goto 1 off course you can use different cookie.. md5 salt username ip salt if they do goto 2 if they don't goto 1 off course you can use different cookie names etc. also you..
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation can be avoided rewriting it in raw PHP and maybe using goto statement in final version to avoid recursive function calls...
Is GOTO in PHP evil? [closed] whether this GOTO is evil and implies bad code php goto share improve this question Unless you are programming in..
How does Linux determine the next PID? ... for i ns level i 0 i nr alloc_pidmap tmp if nr 0 goto out_free pid numbers i .nr nr pid numbers i .ns tmp tmp tmp..
Programmatically determine whether to describe an object with “a” or “an”? _indef_article word count return pre. result. post sub AN goto A sub _indef_article my word count @_ count persistent_count..
Generating UNIQUE Random Numbers within a range - PHP min max len count arr flag 0 for i 0 i len i if flag 1 goto generator if x arr i flag 1 arr index x index goto generator.. flag 1 goto generator if x arr i flag 1 arr index x index goto generator I know this code is bad so i need a better optimized..
PHP and the goto statement to be added in PHP 5.3 and the goto statement to be added in PHP 5.3 The goto statement comes straight.. and the goto statement to be added in PHP 5.3 The goto statement comes straight out of ASM or any other assembler language... a link http manual en control structures.goto.php I'm wondering what can this do to make my code more well..
PDO's rowCount() Not Working on PHP 5.2.6+ on PHP 5.2.6 So I've been using PHP's PDO as my database goto class for a while now unfortunately today after debugging for..
when is eval evil in php?