php Programming Glossary: gotcha
PHP technique to query the APNs Feedback Server fread share improve this question Here's a big gotcha which confused me when I first tried connecting the APNS feedback..
Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps? impossible to have a 100 UTF 8 site. There is always a gotcha somewhere that I seem to miss. Perhaps someone here can correct..
Storing datetime as UTC in PHP/MySQL hard time to get this to work and always stumble into some gotcha. Eg. time information returned from MySQL is not formated as..
php warning mysql_fetch_assoc parameter which is exactly what you are seeing. A common gotcha you get this warning if you pass something other than a valid..
Is debug_backtrace() safe for serious usage in production environment? another crash I've never heard of any problems. The only gotcha I can see is this note in the User Contributed Notes when using..
How to make <option selected=“selected”> set by MySql and PHP? share improve this question In addition to fixing the gotcha you can save yourself the array lookup and make the code simpler..
Export from PHP to Excel have very different memory implications. The only gotcha I found was a few quirks between outputting and reading Excel..
Does static variables in php persist across the requests? in php persist across the requests Static variable gotcha in php I am from Java background and have switched to php for..
Gzip compression through .htaccess not working Chrome equivalents offer the same ability. There is one gotcha regarding gzipping .js and .css files on IE6 to watch out for...
Why is using a mysql prepared statement more secure than using the common escape functions? engine needs to parse optimize etc. only once. Now one gotcha is with database abstraction libraries. They sometimes fake..
Best way to sanitize exec command with user inserted variables http manual en function.escapeshellcmd.php The gotcha is in the case that you use escapeshellarg as PART OF A QUOTED..