php Programming Glossary: granted
Check if the user is a fan of my facebook page? PAGE_ID Both of those ways require user_likes permission granted by user. To get the same details for user's friends ask for..
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities? as group this addGroup group return this Get groups granted to the user. @return Collection public function getGroups..
Check picture file type and size before file upload in php on the PHP side and therefore don't take its value for granted . Try loading the images with gd getimagesize to make sure they..
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? requests made using ch and the same cookie jar will be granted access allowing us to 'scrape' pages quite easily just remember..
FAcebook graph API - URL supplied invalid OAuthException: (#1500) 'publish_stream' permissions 'data' 0 Permission is granted Do the related task args array 'message' 'Hello from app' 'link'..
What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key? array as v v recursiveFunc v Changes the original array... granted if your version permits it you'd probably do v recursiveFunc..
How do I use cookies across two different domains? out in a comment thanks that I shouldn't take it for granted that you understand the security risks involved. If this information..
Does reflection breaks the idea of private methods, because private methods can be access outside of the class? partial trust is controlled by a permission if it is not granted then partial trust code may not do reflection on privates. See..
REST API - why use PUT DELETE POST GET? break case 'DELETE' ....some delete action.... break Ok granted I don't know much about web services yet . But wouldn't it be..
Connect to a MySQL server over SSH in PHP mysql_connect but it gives me cant access although i have granted permission when i tried using this function connection ssh2_connect..
Php addslashes sql injection still valid? else actually tried this or everybody is taken it for granted I added db set_charset GBK I used gbk_chinese_ci for db fields..
Design considerations for internationalization more verbose than others. Don't take icons or colors for granted when it comes to their semantic meaning as this can vary from..
Authenticate user for 'connection' function socket socket.emit 'access' 'granted' To run server just run node server.js client.php php session_start.. also shown in browser to redis server the message access granted will be shown. Of course normally you would not be doing any.. into redis after which access has been granted. alfred@alfred laptop ~ database redis 2.2.0 rc4 src . redis..
Codeignitor, Facebook javascript SDK, PHP SDK Redirect after facebook login doesnt getUser() until refresh in fact be true sine the fbuser is logged in and has granted perms. If I refresh however everything works the user is logged..
How to post to user's wall without logging in, using the new Facebook API? only if you have the access_token with offline_permission granted. if you have it then include the token in attachment with key..
Asking for permission using new PHP SDK automatically ask for permissions if the user hasn't granted one already. php facebook permissions share improve this..
SQL Injection Protection and returns 1 regardless. There you go you've just granted a malicious user admin access. That is how some real attacks..
How do I find the index of a regex match in a string? to make the code more presentable it now doesn't take for granted that the pattern will definitely match. See it in action . ..
Can IP change during session? that needs protecting Privacy of users Permissions granted to a user Assets physical or virtual And security against what..
Visual Studio PHP a unified development environment for my PHP programming. Granted it's only 99 and I enjoy paying for code that helps me out but..
Role Based Access Control you'll have to subclass to check multiple roles at once . Granted the pain of this is you'll have to pull out Zend_ACL I do not..
Are PHP5 objects passed by reference? assigned by reference. No need to use address of operator. Granted what I typed is an oversimplification but will suit your purposes...
Export from PHP to Excel PHPExcel . However it seems very heavy and somewhat slow. Granted it is very powerful. Is there anything a bit more lightweight..
MVC: how much code should be in a view? includes isolating logic into functions and or classes. Granted a designer looking into a script might not immediately know..
Is this correct object oriented programing in php? [closed] greet jane PHP_EOL jane greet john Live Demo on Codepad Granted that's quite a lot of code for a very simple thing to do. Some..
Getting the domain that calls an PHP file on your server through AJAX the file to get back to your source and mess with you. Granted there'd be far less people able to do that and the average user..