php Programming Glossary: gracefully
Stop script execution upon notice/warning exception handling strategy set_exception_handler to gracefully terminate in production environments. Note that the above example..
Memcache : Confusions 0 all memcache I O will return false gracefully . Checkout the docs . 3 Memcached server reporting Memcached..
Set up Apache for local development/testing? the following command sudo apachectl graceful This will gracefully restart apache. If you've made a syntax error in the config..
PHP Simultaneous File Writes happen Also it is possible to make one of the PHP fail gracefully file write will just fail and the other PHP can write to the..
PHP application + WebSocket based notifications over Socket.IO Since Socket.IO is backwards compatible and degrades gracefully I want to use it for the WebSocket AJAX polling part. The problem..
mysqli or die, does it have to die? irrecoverably. while thrown exception can be caught and gracefully handled So never use die in your code even for the temporary..
Calculating Great-Circle Distance with SQLite to it is a bit less verbose and handles non numeric values gracefully here it is db sqliteCreateFunction 'distance' function if count..
How to gracefully handle files that exceed PHP's `post_max_size`? to gracefully handle files that exceed PHP's `post_max_size` I'm working.. a PHP form that attaches a file to an email and trying to gracefully handle cases where the uploaded file is too large. I've learned..
PHP Database Dump Script - are there any issues? the @ operator is bad practice. Check for errors and fail gracefully with an informative message. Your requirement not to use mysqldump..
How to show Ajax requests in URL? for the last two sites . Some of these problems are How to gracefully and easily upgrade certain internal links to use the History.. website for users that do not have JS enabled Such that it gracefully degrades and still is indexable by Search Engines. The only..
file_get_contents when url doesn't exist it return this error message. How can I get it to error gracefully so that I know that the page doesn't exist and act accordingly..
Minifying final HTML output using regular expressions with CodeIgniter which is faster than the original handles larger input and gracefully fails with a message if the input string is too large to handle..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? already frameworks that do the hard work for you and even gracefully fallback to the common hash tag solution History.js History.js.. to the common hash tag solution History.js History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History State APIs pushState replaceState..
Using PHP with is this jQuery plugin allowing you to use Websockets while gracefully degrading for non supporting browsers. On the PHP side there..
Why does an infinitely recursive function in PHP cause a segfault? will die with SIGSEGV it also dies on Windows but more gracefully so far as my extremely limited low level debugging skills can.. Is there any way this can be controlled or handled more gracefully from within a PHP script Is there any setting that generally..
RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error the library does not generate a stack overflow and instead gracefully exits with an error code. Under PHP this maximum recursion depth..