

php Programming Glossary: fql

Handling big user IDs returned by FQL in PHP


big user IDs returned by FQL in PHP I'm using FQL to retrieve a list of users from Facebook... big user IDs returned by FQL in PHP I'm using FQL to retrieve a list of users from Facebook. For consistency I..

How to get Users Email Id in Facebook application using PHP?


You can get the Email Address directly without using the FQL. initialize facebook facebook new Facebook array 'appId' APP_ID..

Facebook Graph API - Friends using application


improve this question You should be able to do this with FQL select uid name is_app_user from user where uid in select uid2..

Batch calls with Facebook Graph API & PHP


share improve this question Facebook recommends using FQL for this http developers.facebook.com docs guides performance..

Facebook mutual friends and FQL 4999/5000 record limit


mutual friends and FQL 4999 5000 record limit I'm trying to select all mutual friends'.. trying to select all mutual friends' connections with PHP FQL. Using my UID 540 friends which means 12 000 connections of.. but Facebook apparently has a 4999 5000 row limit on FQL queries. select mutual unique friends unique_connections facebook..

How to get user's network information using Facebook Graph API? (PHP)


facebook graph api share improve this question Using FQL the affiliations field of the User table contains this information..

What's method for checking user fan of a page in GRAPH API?


While pages.isFan is still working for me you can use the FQL page_fan table with the new PHP SDK result facebook api array..

How to use Facebook graph API to retrieve fan photos uploaded to wall of fan page?


then get all the photos. This can be easily done by using FQL SELECT pid owner src_small src_big FROM photo WHERE aid IN SELECT..

Facebook friends email FQL


friends email FQL I have this FQL femail facebook api array 'method' 'fql.query'.. friends email FQL I have this FQL femail facebook api array 'method' 'fql.query' 'locale' 'en_US'.. your application you can try the following in the FQL console SELECT email FROM user WHERE uid FRIEND_ID What I suspect..

How to fetch facebook likes, share, comments count from an article


Actually you can have a more detailed report using FQL. Try following query SELECT url normalized_url share_count like_count..

facebook->getUser returns 0


Since this is a fan page you don't need to call an FQL query since an FQL query requires that the user has first authorized.. is a fan page you don't need to call an FQL query since an FQL query requires that the user has first authorized your application...

How do i use FQL with php api? and access token


with php api and access token Grr... I cant seem to get fql working. One thing I think the docs are old because i dont think.. getUser works access_token facebook getAccessToken works fql 'SELECT name from user where uid ' . user_id ret_obj facebook.. uid ' . user_id ret_obj facebook api array 'method' 'fql.query' 'access_token' access_token 'query' fql print_r..

Facebook FQL user table `sex` field : how to return male/female even the user is using different locale?


is having locale other than english php locale facebook fql share improve this question Add one of the following functions.. pass in the locale you want to use like so public function fql_query_localized query locale return this call_method 'facebook.fql.query'.. query locale return this call_method 'facebook.fql.query' array 'query' query 'locale' locale Then just pass in..

Handling big user IDs returned by FQL in PHP


on how to resolve this php json facebook facebook fql fql share improve this question json_decode can convert.. on how to resolve this php json facebook facebook fql fql share improve this question json_decode can convert large..

Facebook mutual friends and FQL 4999/5000 record limit


unique friends unique_connections facebook api_client fql_query SELECT uid1 uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 IN SELECT uid2.. this script and beat the 4999 5000 row limit Here's an fql_multiquery that should do the same as above. It is also limited.. uid2 FROM #user_friends ' mq_test facebook api_client fql_multiquery trim queries print_r mq_test php facebook facebook..

How to get user's network information using Facebook Graph API? (PHP)


this information Sample call https graph.facebook.com fql q select affiliations from user where uid 4 access_token ACCESS..

How to use Facebook graph API to retrieve fan photos uploaded to wall of fan page?


the page. php html facebook facebook graph api facebook fql share improve this question You need to retrieve all the..

Facebook friends email FQL


FQL I have this FQL femail facebook api array 'method' 'fql.query' 'locale' 'en_US' 'query' 'SELECT email FROM user WHERE.. the app to give out email address. php facebook facebook fql share improve this question In general you CAN'T get the..

How to fetch facebook likes, share, comments count from an article


FROM link_stat WHERE url 'www.apple.com' Here the php code fql SELECT url normalized_url share_count like_count comment_count.. url normalized_url share_count like_count comment_count fql . total_count commentsbox_count comments_fbid click_count FROM.. commentsbox_count comments_fbid click_count FROM fql . link_stat WHERE url 'www.apple.com' apifql https api.facebook.com..

Get posts on a friend's wall using the Facebook API


and the publish_stream of users. Then you can select via fql. See http developers.facebook.com docs reference fql stream.. via fql. See http developers.facebook.com docs reference fql stream and http developers.facebook.com docs authentication..

How to display recent comments from Facebook Comments social plugin?


div Then do the following in javascript FB.api method 'fql.query' query 'select text from comment where object_id in select.. where url http developers.facebook.com docs reference fql comment ' function response .each response function i e .comments..

Create and Configure Facebook Apps via API


way to do this. php facebook facebook graph api facebook fql facebook rest api share improve this question You didn't..