

php Programming Glossary: frameworkbundle

Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities?


namespace Avocode UserBundle Controller use Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Controller Controller use Symfony Component HttpFoundation Request..

'Call to a member function get() on a non-object'?


html newsite vendor symfony symfony src Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Controller Controller.php on line 246 If i load the controller..

Set locale in Symfony 2.1


LocaleListener vendor symfony symfony src Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Resources config web.xml services my_listener class FK MyWebsiteBundle..

Automatic post-registration user authentication


Token UsernamePasswordToken use Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Controller Controller use YourNameSpace UserBundle Entity User..

Symfony2: help please with backward Uri (REFERRER) during switching locale


namespace Jet InformBundle Controller use Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Controller Controller use Sensio Bundle FrameworkExtraBundle.. namespace Jet InformBundle Controller use Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Controller Controller use Sensio Bundle FrameworkExtraBundle..

How to use my Entities and Entity Managers in Symfony 2 Console Command?


thinkblue admintool vendor symfony src Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Command ContainerAwareCommand.php on line 38 Basically in ContainerAwareCommand..

Symfony2 create own encoder for storing password


Acme SecurityBundle Controller use Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Controller Controller use Symfony Component Security Core SecurityContext..

Symfony 2 load different template depending on user agent properties


namespace Acme AppBundle Twig Loader use Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Templating Loader FilesystemLoader use Symfony Component Templating..

How to develop by faking login to test ACLs in Symfony 2


that . namespace Acme SomeBundle Tests use Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Test WebTestCase use Symfony Component Security Core Authentication..

Symfony2: Echoing JSON From a Controller for Use in an ExtJS 4 Grid


Overseer MainBundle Controller use Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Controller Controller class PeopleController extends Controller..

Symfony2 serialize entity object to session


getting the following two errors Exception Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle DataCollector RequestDataCollector serialize must return a string..